Sara Pank Spine
  • Surviving the Holidays

    The day after Thanksgiving is a milestone of sorts in America. It reminds us of just how quickly the year has gone by— and how close we are to the holiday season. This realization— coupled with the fabulous sales at major department stores and malls everywhere— helps make

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  • Don't Let Housework Be a Pain in Your Back

    Household chores can be a pain in the sacroiliac. Unless you're careful, routine activities around the home— washing dishes, vacuuming, even talking on the phone— can strain your back, including the sacroiliac area near the tailbone, and result in debilitating discomfort.

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8:00 am-5:30 pm


12:30 pm-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-5:30 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm






Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "I had foot pain from standing on concrete all day. I got my feet scanned using the Foot Leveler Orthotic system and now wear my custom orthotics daily with minimal foot pain. These custom orthotics are absolutely worth every penny!"
    Dean Sonsalla, Arcadia, WI.
  • "Quinn (4 years old) had some incidents of wetting the bed after she had a long period of dry nights. Three adjustments and Quinn has been doing great!"
    Erin Paulson, Ettrick, WI
  • "I had constant foot pain from standing on concrete all day long. I had almost immediate relief after wearing Foot Leveler orthotics."
    Garret Zwiefelhofer, Bloomer,WI