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Our Method of Training

You're Not A Typical Athlete - Why Are You Training Like One?

Conway Clinic Sports Performance is the ultimate training facility that offers you a chance to get an individually tailored training program that is literally being used by professional athletes uses presently to take their athleticism to the next level. Dr. Conway customizes each athletes training program personally to make sure that every training session will maximize their performance.

Developed by Jay Schroeder and adapted for performance by Dr. Conway this unique training system has helped kids find their way to Division I on many levels. The unique methods employed allow for the simultaneous training of speed, strength, power, endurance, and flexibility. A large emphasis is placed on teaching the body to absorb large amounts of force, which creates tremendous resistance to injury. We also demand proper position and velocity, preparing you to use your body efficiently for any activity. To elicit elite performance, we train high load, high velocity, and high volume in ways that eliminate the symptoms of overtraining that come with most other methodologies.

Professional athletes make it their business to find the edge that will take their fitness to the next level, and many pros have turned to Dr. Conway for that reason. Now you can too and take your game to levels you've never thought possible.

“Sports Performance is for any athlete who truly wants to develop their athleticism to the next level.” -Dr. Conway

Most facilities will begin to train you on heavy weights, treadmills, stair steppers, and other mechanical machines. Sports Performance at Conway Clinic focuses each athlete on properly holding position and learning how to properly absorb force. Research studies show that every movement in sports must be executed correctly to lead to quicker and faster movement; movements that leads to speed and explosion.This is the basis for Dr. Conway's method. 

There are no short cuts to success. When you step on the field your coach is expecting you to perform at 100%. So why would you train at anything less than 100%? You don't need to spend 3 hours training, when an intensely focused 45 to 60 minutes will benefit you far more greatly.

This type of sports training is only for athletes who want to become the very best that they can be and who want to gain measurable results.The training is difficult and intense because it needs to be; but once the athlete sees the results that they have obtained - they don’t think twice about the work. 

Each workout is custom designed for every athlete by Dr. Conway. We start by teaching each athlete to properly absorb force. Once learned, the chances of injury become drastically reduced. From there, each athlete is then taught how to generate force. The generation of force allows the body to become stronger, faster and much more powerful overall. Each athlete will be taught the importance of proper nutrition, hydration and rest. It’s the job of the athlete, not the parents, to take personal responsibility for their improvement. We will give you the tools to build an incredibly athletic body. You have to bring the desire and the passion to become great.

This program is extremely unique, and the results are undeniable. Once you decide to start the program Dr. Conway will test your athletic and fitness level, and discuss your results and goals with you. Once you and Dr. Conway agree on your goals, he personally writes each workout for each individual athlete that trains with him. Dr. Conway states, “This program isn’t for everyone. It’s for the athlete who really wants to become an elite athlete by pushing themselves to greatness.”

This is the same type of training that he recommends and designs for professional athletes. That means this is intense! However, if you are looking for unparalleled results and an increase in your athletic performance this is what you need to be doing. Dr. Conway's professional career has been a relentless pursuit of faster and more efficient treatments to get his patients out of pain. Now, he has expanded on that philosophy and created a sports training program to teach athletes how they can excel in any sport.

From football to field hockey Dr. Conway understands what is needed to become faster, stronger, and more explosive. Dr. Conway believes that there is no such thing as a bad athlete. He feel that any athlete who is given the proper instruction to develop their bodies correctly can achieve heights previously unimaginable.

Located inside the Conway Clinic, Dr. Conway and his staff individually train athletes of all sports to increase their speed, strength, explosion, and ultimately increase their rate of recovery. Dr. Conway knows that the one-size-fits-all training that other fitness centers provide just doesn't work.

"One thing that we found out through our research is that developing big muscle means just one thing - big muscles, the individual must develop their body as a whole to become an athlete," notes Dr. Conway.

Professional athletes make it their business to find the edge that will take their fitness to the next level, and many pro's have turned to Dr. Conway for that reason.

“Our philosophy is to develop your body to meet the demands of your particular sport…not the other way around. You can’t run as fast as possible thinking you’re going to stop on a dime, or change direction on a dime, if your body won’t allow you to do so in the first place. If the muscles are prepared properly you will be able to do what you want when you want to do it. We will develop your body to meet those demands before you even step one foot on the field of play. We create athletes…not gym rats.” - Dr. Malcolm Conway

We train male and female athletes from the middle school, to high school – from college, to the pro's. Neither age, nor ability matter, if you’re willing to work we’re willing to get you were you want to go. We base our system not on the size of your muscles, but on the size of your heart and the willingness to succeed.

This type of training will quite honestly be the hardest thing you’ve ever attempted in training for your sport. But when it is all said and done, you will see your body begin to transform, and your performance will increase in unparalleled ways; your speed, strength, and explosion will all be noticeably stronger. This is why we only want athletes who have a burning desire to become a superior athlete

Call Today: 570-287-7070

Sports Training with Dr. Conway
New!  Monthly Training Program - Unlimited Visits: $275.00 p/month

Due to such a high demand from athletes to train with Dr. Conway, he has responded with an Unlimited Monthly Training Program. This program is extremely unique, and the results are undeniable. Once you decide to start the program Dr. Conway will test your athletic and fitness level, and discuss your results and goals with you. Once you and Dr. Conway agree on your goals, he customizes a training program that is unique to your needs.

This is the same type of training that he recommends and designs for professional athletes.  That means this is intense!  However, if you are looking for unparalleled results, and a increase in your athletic performance this is what you need to be doing.

Sports Performance at the Conway Clinic was originally developed after having a conversation with trainer, Jay Schroeder from Mesa, AZ. After years of sending elite athletes Dr. Conway treated to be trained by supposed "gurus" in the sporting world the same problem would always arise; training injuries. The athletes were in fact getting stronger and faster, however every one of them ended up injured. Dr. Conway soon realized that he had to make changes because these continued injuries were unacceptable.

This is why Dr. Conway's training that combines injury prevention and athletic performance is so unique and so necessary. “Of all of the sports trainers that I’ve ever spoken to, no one ever mentioned injury prevention,” noted Dr. Conway; until Jay Schroeder.   From that point on Dr. Conway has instituted many of Schroeder’s methods for training athletes.

Get an Appointment with Dr. Conway Today

Contact the office now to discuss a current injury or chronic pain, we'll get you scheduled for relief today.

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8:00 AM - Noon

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM



2:00 PM - 6:00 PM


8:00 AM - Noon

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8:00 AM - Noon

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM


8:00 AM - Noon







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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "I took a shot to my knee that caused my MCL to tear. I went to see Dr. Conway two days after it happened and he had me at full range of motion within three hours. Even through words I can't quite explain how much Dr. Conway's treatments have helped me. There is nothing like it anywhere else. He is the REAL DEAL!"
    Justin Sands Phoenix, AZ

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