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Suffering With Chronic Pain?

Have you been suffering from chronic pain for years?

Have you been told that medication, injections, or surgery are your only options?

I’m here to tell you that this is no longer true. Did you know...

  • 8 out of 10 lower back surgeries fail after 6 months.

  • Research has shown arthroscopic knee surgery works no better than placebo surgery.2

  • When comparing treatments for knee pain, physical therapy was found to be just as effective as surgery.3

  • Did you know lower back supports can make you weaker?

  • Certain anti-inflammatories can impede healing.

  • Joint replacement surgery is many times unwarranted – there are viable solutions to your pain.

Here's How We Do It

There is an alternative to these invasive (any often, ineffective) procedures, and I’m here to offer you relief, today. What we're doing at the Conway Clinic is pioneering new ground in neurological soft tissue treatment.

We combine the MyoFascial Disruption Technique (MFDT), and the ARPWave treatment protocols to produce spectacular changes in the body without the use of drugs or surgery.

A Sobering Look at Hip & Knee Pain

Here is a sobering look at hip and knee replacements. The numbers are incredible: 500,000 knee replacements are done annually, and increasing 673% in the next 20 years and 175,000 hip replacements annually, rising 174% in the next 20 years.

You may have guessed it, but it is baby boomer related. Due to the active lifestyles, many baby boomers experienced, the new reason for these surgeries is osteoarthritis, rather than the former reason, rheumatoid arthritis. “Not as good, it is not as good as a native joint,” says Mathias Bostrom, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at New York’s Hospital for Special Surgery. Although there has been an improvement in the joint replacement longevity, they are just not as good as your natural joint. There are many people who end up getting several surgeries done, due to failed artificial joints, or worse. I even read in one forum where a woman could no longer afford surgery and she didn’t have insurance and has a great need, she is in constant pain, and can even feel screws in her knee!

This is Why You Don't Want to Rely on Painkillers

Traditional doctors don't always find the source of the problem when treating injured patients; they instead try and solve where the problem at the surface. Medication is the primary treatment for medical doctors which in many cases can lead to unnecessary surgery. Medication can work, but many times it's temporary.

Think of medication this way, if you and I were sitting in a room with a fire alarm located up in the corner of the room. As we talk, the alarm goes off causing enough noise to stop the both of us from continuing our conversation. With that, I decide to get up to cut the cord which causes the loud noise of the alarm to stop allowing us to continue to speak. Well, as you can imagine, outside the room the entire building is on fire and we don’t know it.

Medication is very much like cutting the cord to the alarm. It temporarily stops the symptoms (which is the alarm) of the loud noise but doesn’t get to the real problem.

And the real problem is not where you feel the pain. Pain is generally where the damage ended - NOT where it started! This is why we find the source of the damage and treat that - this is the Conway Clinic difference. If you truly want to eliminate the damage from continuing to cause pain in the future, this is the treatment you want. 

Understand the Why

Muscles are designed to absorb force just like the shock absorber of your car. The faster the muscle can engage (turn on), the more force it can absorb. If it can’t absorb some, or all of the force, that force will continue to travel to the joint, ligaments, tendons, and/or fascia. Many times this can lead to chronic inflammation and degeneration.

We now have the ability to locate the origin of the problem and have the technology to correct it with non-invasive treatments, such as surgery.

Neurological Connection, Another Secret to Success

With every injury to the body, cell membranes are damaged, and the natural electrical polarity of the body is disrupted. The result is a negative charge buildup within the injured tissue. This is good, at first, it is the negative charge that initiates the healing process by attracting white blood cells and promoting the growth of scar tissue. However, if the negative charge buildup does not dissipate, it becomes a liability, causing the scar tissue to adhere to the muscle tissue. This embedded scar tissue within the muscle fibers makes it impossible for the muscles to elongate fully and hence to contract maximally, thereby weakening them.

This begins the slow journey to degeneration, chronic pain, and disability. Dr. Conway’s unique method of treatment will locate the area of breakdown and begin to develop his highly acclaimed treatment protocols.

Dr. Conway’s outcome based treatments will allow you to prevent most joint replacement & orthopedic surgery, eliminate chronic pain derived from soft tissue damage, eliminate muscular pain and recover 80% faster from all muscle related injuries. And for patients who have had surgery, we also have protocols to help you recover from surgery 60 - 75% faster.

We have been able to help the following...

  • 55-year-old man who was scheduled for hip surgery was treated and, return him to his dairy farm within four weeks

  • A football player entered the office with two tears surgically repaired in the labrum of his shoulder. He was scheduled for 6 months of rehab – with Dr. Conway’s treatment, he was weight lifting and fully released to return to play in 6 weeks.

  • A soccer player injured with a hamstring pull, able to return to play in one week.

  • An ER nurse who had to leave her job due to the chronic pain in her upper back, neck, arms from a severe car accident returned to her job in three weeks of care.

  • A 50-year-old worker with chronic rheumatoid arthritis able to regain full use of his hands after three weeks of treatment and continue to work as a laborer to this day.

These are just a small sample of the success that Dr. Conway has been able to provide for his patients. For many years now, we have helped patients prevent surgery, recover quickly from all types of injuries and surgery, as well as helped individuals with chronic pain and those who have lost strength due to neuromuscular disease.

So, will this work for you?

  • Anyone in chronic pain

  • Anyone with chronic reoccurring injuries

  • Anyone with limited range of motion, in any joint

  • Anyone who has or had a ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL, or Meniscus Tear

  • Post-surgical patients who want to increase their rate of recovery 

  • Post-surgical patients who want to regain their strength and range of motion

  • Anyone with limited range of motion, in any joint

  • If you've been told that knee or hip replacement surgery is your only option

  • Anyone who has had surgery and is still not pain free

For years, Dr. Conway has been using a one-of-a-kind treatment system that has shown to be remarkably effective when other treatments have failed. If you are ready to drop the thinking of, “I have to live with this,” then it’s time see first-hand if this treatment is right for you.


2.  New England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med. 2002 Jul 11;347(2):81-8

3 New England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med. 2013 May 2;368(18):1675-84. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1301408. Epub 2013 Mar 18

Get an Appointment with Dr. Conway Today

Contact the office now to discuss a current injury or chronic pain, we'll get you scheduled for relief today.

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "I took a shot to my knee that caused my MCL to tear. I went to see Dr. Conway two days after it happened and he had me at full range of motion within three hours. Even through words I can't quite explain how much Dr. Conway's treatments have helped me. There is nothing like it anywhere else. He is the REAL DEAL!"
    Justin Sands Phoenix, AZ

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