Kansas City Chiropractor Helps People Reduce Their Allergy Symptoms

It's that time of year again. Are you sniffling? Eyes watering? Runny Nose? Eyes Itching or Puffy?
If you are sick and tired of suffering with your allergies, then this is for you. I have worked on countless patients dealing with seasonal allergies and year round allergies, and it is always so gratifying to see their symptoms start to improve, often within a few visits. Here are a few tips to help you balance your body and decreases your body's response to allergens:
Did you know that there are five main causes of allergies?
1. Dehydration -
Ideally one should drink one quart of water (preferably filtered) per 50 pounds of body weight per day. Unless you are on liquid restrictions from a Doctor for a chronic or terminal illness, increasing your water intake to this level can drastically decrease your body's response to allergens. For example, if you weight 175 pounds, that would mean 4 quarts of water per day. Only water counts towards this total. Pure water turns on your nervous system, while lemon, sugar, stevia, or any other additives to clean filtered water will turn on your digestive system as your body recognizes this as food.
2. Blood Sugar Control Issues -
Poor blood sugar control is another contributing factor to allergies. You don't have to be diabetic or even pre-diabetic to have blood sugar control issues. Nearly every patient I treat that is eating the SAD (Standard American Diet) has blood sugar control issues, EVERY allergy patient I've seen has blood sugar control issues.  Using Total Body Modification techniques, and modifying eating habits and foods can help this issue that contributes to allergies.
Things that Improve Blood Sugar Control:
-eating every two to three hours
-eating protein, especially eggs, meat, and nuts
-eating at least 9 ounces of red meat per week - preferably in the form of a steak, as rare as you can handle it
-eating lower glycemic vegetables and fruits
-getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night
-lowering stress
Things that Worsen Blood Sugar Control:
-not eating breakfast
-waiting longer than 3 hours between meals/snacks
-eating refined carbohydrates including bread, sweets, cookies, etc.
-increased stress
-less than 7 hours of sleep a night
-interrupted sleep
-not eating enough protein
3. Disharmonization to Bees -
In Total Body Modification, we find that an energetic disharmonization to Bees can be a factor in allergies. If you think about it, bees touch plants, which we eat. So if you have a disharmonization to Bees, you can start having an allergy to anything they touch. Total Body Modification has simple corrections for this issue.
4. Disharmonization to Bee Pollen
Just like with Bees, Bee Pollen is nearly everywhere. It floats in the air, and can get ingested by the animals we eat as well. This is a very common disharmonization in patients with allergies, and can be helped.
5. Disharmonization to Mercury
Mercury is a very common disharmonization found in allergy patients due to several factors. Mercury has been commonly used in dental fillings, vaccinations, and as a preservative. Using Total Body Modification we can minimize the impact of this on your body, even if you do not remove the mercury based fillings in your mouth. I have seen drastic improvements in patients' allergy symptoms once the disharmonization is corrected.
More Treatments to Help Allergies
Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractors are trained to detect misalignments in the spine and other joints that can cause irritation in the nervous system. It is very common for me to find misalignments in the neck and upper back of patients that come in for their adjustment complaining of allergy or sinus symptoms. Every week, I have patients that get adjusted and can then breathe better through their nose and notice less itchiness in their eyes. It is absolutely amazing how well Chiropractic Adjustments can bring a drastic turnaround of allergy symptoms by realigning the spine.
Acupuncture is a system of treating energetic imbalances in the body using small fine needles that are gently inserted into the skin at various points around the body. By using a tool called Acugraph, I am able to measure the energy in your body, and see exactly where your body is out of balance. Allergies are a symptom of an energetic imbalance, and there are various points that are well known to decrease allergic responses in people. Note: Laser Acupuncture (which is needle-free) is an option for patients who are too young or too scared to handle needle Acupuncture. I have seen many patients have an immediate improvement in their itchy eyes and stuffed up noses even after one treatment for allergies.
Nutritional Supplements
Each patient is unique, and there are different supplements known to help allergy symptoms. Depending on the type and severity of allergies, as well as the age of the patient, I will provide customized eating guidelines as well as nutritional supplement recommendations. I have personally helped many small children decrease the need for allergy medications and prednisone with a combination of treatment at my office, and changes in dietary habits, water intake, and the addition of supplements. I will not tell you to stop taking any medication, as that is a choice for you to make with your prescribing Doctor.
In summary, there are a wide variety of natural options for allergies that can make a profound immmediate and lasting impact on your body. As you balance your body, your symptoms will decrease. Allergies are a symptom the body uses to get your attention. Instead of covering up or masking the symptoms, why not address the cause of the allergies and help it disappear.
Call me now at 816-256-3603 and let us work together to get you on the road to better health!
Dr. Kristine Baker

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