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About Us

Dr. Holton's office is certainly the "hometown" office. With over 35 years of training in the martial arts, Dr. Holton is able to combine his knowledge of chiropractic care, with the practical experience of dealing with all aspects of sports & traumatic injuries. Whether your problem is caused by stress/tension, an ache or pain that just won't go away, or a traumatic injury like sports, auto or on-the-job, Dr. Holton is uniquely qualified to help. Dr. Holton graduated from New York Chiropractic College in 1980 and has been in his current location for 15 years. He has developed and overseen practices in North Jersey and South Florida. Since he began his practice of chiropractic, Dr. Holton has continued with post-graduate education, ensuring that his patients receive the most comprehensive and advanced chiropractic care.

For most people, their first visit to see Dr. Holton is because they are in pain. Some people wait to see if their problem will go away by itself, then maybe they try some over the counter meds. Some have had an office visit with their medical doctor, but the pain is still there.

So we always start with a consultation, when you can give us all the information about your problem. Then Dr. Holton will perform an examination. This will include checking motion, strength, and a number of basic tests that will help us find out your current level of health and exactly what is wrong. If you already have x-rays, Dr. Holton will review them. And if you haven’t had them, we will discuss if they might be helpful. Even when x-rays or MRI’s have been read by other doctors, we will still review them. With advanced training in radiology, Dr. Holton often finds that personally reviewing films can help tailor a patient’s treatment program for better results on the road to health.

After evaluating your problem, Dr. Holton will be able to tell you:

Exactly what your problem is
If he can help you
How long it will take
How your insurance will help you

At that point, we will begin a treatment program to help you achieve optimal health and benefits.