
Kitchener Waterloo Massage Therapist shares the benefits of castor oil

Castor Oil – it’s good for what ails you!

If you’ve ever had a massage therapy treatment from me, you have very likely heard of and/or experienced Castor Oil’s magic. I am a true believer! It has anti-inflammatory properties and it works really well on joints and muscles. In fact, I use it on my arms and hands every night after work, to keep me healthy too.

Topically, and most effectively, applied and then use heat to maximize the absorption.  You can use it for any joint or muscle ailments you have, skin conditions – like ringworm, warts, skin irritations, abrasions, dry scalp, wrinkles, sunburn, age spots, acne. Yes, you can still use it internally too, for constipation, but you would need to consult your Doctor or Naturopath for those details.

Castor Oil is easy to find at a health food or naturopathic pharmacy. Read the label to ensure it is cold pressed or cold processed to know that it’s safe for human consumption. Give it a try. It won’t disappoint!