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Whiplash Treatment in Lake Mary, Sanford and Longwood.

Getting into a car accident in Lake Mary, Florida raises concerns about your health and well-being. Generally, you want to work with professionals to determine the extent of your injuries and start an appropriate treatment plan. When you show signs of whiplash, a professional at Apple Neuro and Spine provides the assistance and tools you need to recover.

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash refers to a neck injury caused by a car accident or any other sudden stop. Generally, it occurs when your head moves suddenly forward and then backward due to the force of an accident and the sudden lack of forward momentum. 

The discomfort stems from the injuries to the muscles and it may cause a variety of health concerns. Symptoms associated with whiplash include:

  • Tension in your neck and shoulders
  • Neck pain
  • Difficulty moving your neck and head
  • Headaches and migraines after an accident
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Depression in some extreme cases

While whiplash may cause pain and discomfort, it is also easily overlooked after a car accident. You may not notice the initial symptoms until 24 to 48 hours after the accident.

Treatments for Auto Injury in Our Clinic

At our clinic, we offer treatments for an auto injury based on your situation and needs. We take a holistic approach to healing, so a chiropractor evaluates your needs and then creates a personalized treatment plan to address the injuries. We may use acupuncture, massage therapy and appropriate physical therapy as part of the treatment process.

Physical therapy and auto injury rehabilitation focuses on improving your mobility and flexibility by stretching and exercising your muscles. We combine the treatment with massage therapy, acupuncture or spinal adjustments to address the musculoskeletal system and the pain you experience while healing from a neck injury. Our approach to treatment focuses on your specific needs in Lake Mary, Florida, so we develop a personalized plan of action after determining the full extent of your injuries.

When to Seek Treatment for Whiplash

Seeking treatment for whiplash or other injuries after a car accident depends on your situation. As a general rule, we recommend visiting our clinic to evaluate your neck and spine immediately after the accident, even if you do not notice any clear pain or discomfort. Some injuries may not show immediate symptoms and still require treatment to address the underlying factors contributing to your discomfort. 

If you experience consistent pain or discomfort, then seek treatment from a professional. At our clinic, we offer a holistic and non-invasive approach to healing from an injury, so we evaluate your specific needs before recommending any treatments or solutions to help with your symptoms.

Treating an injury after an accident depends on your health and situation. When you show signs of whiplash or a related muscle injury, we may use a combination of massage therapy, physical therapy and chiropractic care to address your symptoms and encourage natural healing. To learn more about treating injuries from a car accident, call (407) 878-0918 today.