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Physical Therapy

Our Orange City physical therapist is delighted to bring services to local residents and those living in the Deltona, Bunnell and Lake Mary areas. Located in the Carlisi accident and Injury Center, our physical therapy program assists you through injury recovery, genetic abnormalities, daily concerns and chronic pain. If you are searching for a natural way to decrease discomfort and increase range of motion, consider physical therapy. 

Conditions Addressed by Physical Therapy 

Our physical therapy care provides treatment and relief for many different conditions. We want to increase your knowledge and educate you on the value of physical therapy for large concerns, but also for relief of daily concerns such as headaches and back pain. Our therapists evaluate your body to identify painful areas, areas with limited range of motion and areas of weakness. We listen to your goals for health and physical activity, then we develop a therapy plan to help you reach your goals. We work with those who require larger goals such as learning to walk after an injury or surgery. We also care for you if you want daily relief from migraines or are seeking weight loss. Some of the conditions our physical therapists address include:

  • Sports injuries including muscle strains, concussions, sprained ankles, back pain, rotator cuff tears and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Auto accident injuries such as whiplash, concussions, shoulder pain, lower back pain and headaches.
  • Chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and arthritis.
  • Weight loss or maintenance.
  • Headaches and migraines that will respond to directed postural corrections and lifestyle changes to set up proper computer height, desk stations and work areas.
  • Frozen shoulders or other injuries that occur suddenly without incident.
  • Slip and fall injuries such as those that cause pain in your back, hips, wrists and shoulders.
  • Work-related injuries from years of poor posture, improper standing floor or repetitive motions.

Physical Therapy Options 

Carlisi accident and Injury Center is delighted to provide physical therapy for our existing or new patients. Our goal to offer holistic care includes the use of non-invasive physical therapy. These techniques use your body's ability to recover when it is strong and healthy. Our educators teach you exercises for at-home use to continue your strengthening and stretching benefits. We guide you through transitional stages as we work together to overcome physical challenges that are causing your pain or preventing you from enjoying an active lifestyle. Our physical therapists welcome patients of all ages and enjoy establishing healthy goals for children who are overcoming conditions such as scoliosis or for those who have been injured through athletic participation. If you are new to physical therapy, rest assured that we begin at a level that creates success. As you progress, we increase the challenge of the movements so you continue to see improvement, but you will always succeed. For more information about physical therapy please call us today at 386-218-4902.