What to Expect

Our Approach:

At Stone Chiropractic Health Center our goal is to provide the highest quality of care in a friendly, caring, and efficient environment. We believe patient education is a crucial aspect of care. We not only want to help alleviate your pain/condition, but improve function and decrease the likelihood of recurrence. The more you know and understand your condition the more effective we can be at achieving this goal together.

Your First Visit:

Walking in the door you will first come across our warm & friendly staff. From there, the CA’s will get necessary information from you including Driver’s License (ID) & Insurance information (if you have it). We will then perform a comprehensive evaluation to get a complete health history and help determine the root cause of your pain/condition. In nearly all cases, chiropractic treatment will begin during your first appointment.  The exam will include the following:

  • X-Rays
  • Complete Health History
  • Neurological & Orthopedic Assessment
  • Soft Tissue Palpation/Evaluation

Report of Findings:

Once completed with the comprehensive evaluation you will receive a detailed explanation of all findings on the follow up visit. Treatment options based off of these findings will be presented and discussed to develop a plan of action.


All treatments are hands-on, one-on-one with Dr. Stone/Dr. Sutherland, and tailored specific to your needs. We offer a few different services to meet your specific needs. Please see our Services & Techniques tab for more information about our other therapies.

Helpful Tips for your First Appointment:

What Should I Wear?

Comfortable and loose-fitting clothing without buttons, belt, or zippers are helpful. Bringing clothes to change into is certainly an option.

Will There Be Paperwork?

All paperwork will be filled out with the Chiropractic Assistants during your initial appointment.

What Should I Bring?

Please bring your Driver’s License, Insurance Card, or any other reports/imaging related to your condition. These will be returned, but may be helpful in treating your condition.

How Long Will It Last?

Your first visit will last approximately 1 hour & 15 minutes to an hour & a half to perform the comprehensive exam. 

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