7810 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy # 101 Charlotte, NC 28277

Nutrition & Healthy Aging

tiersTammy Gallagher, Functional Nutrition Practitioner, has been serving Charlotte and helping her patients not only lose weight, but so much more. Her specialties include weight loss, autoimmune, and gastrointestinal. 

Tammy not only is the founder of Ballantyne Weight Loss Center, but she runs the nutrition and lifestyle program at Gallagher Chiropractic and Wellness. 

We look at wellness by starting with the basics, and getting more specific after we clear the muddy waters:

Tier 1: The non-negotiables - There are some simple things that must happen for the body to be able to be healthy. 

Sleep - rest equals rejuvenation. 

Elimination - if you're not eliminating waste properly, your body won't eliminate waste properly. 

Water - so much within your body needs hydration, and you simply cannot function without it. 

Blood Sugar - the hormonal chaos by having unstable blood sugar creates major challenges that none of us need. 

Tier 2:  Tier 2 is all about the gut. If you're not digesting and assimilating your nutrients, and eliminating waste properly, it's hard to get healthy regardless of your condition. Not to mention, the state of your gut. If you have a toxic small intestine, you may have a hyperpermeability allowing toxins to leak into the blood and body. Bottom line is we make sure that we heal and seal the gut...and determine what is necessary to keep it that way. Without a healthy gut, there's no way to be healthy. 

Tier 3: Take deficiency to sufficiency...we often find that after working through Tier 1 and 2 issues, there are no Tier 3 issues. But when there is, we need to resolve them through diet, lifestyle or supplementation. 

Some of the lab services we offer include the following. 

  • Food allergies and sensitivity testing 
  • Small intestine hyperpermeability (Leaky Gut Syndrome) 
  • Candida overgrowth 
  • Environmental Toxins 
  • Organic Acids 
  • Vitamin D 
  • Hormones 
  • Digestion/Utilization of Macro Nutrients


Pure Encapsulations in Charlotte NC

Because it's difficult to ALWAYS follow a healthy diet that provides all of the nutrients the body needs, and because each of our health needs are as unique as we are ourselves, supplementing our diet to ensure we receive the nutrients the body needs not only to survive, but to thrive is necessary. Choose high quality hypoallergenic nutritional supplements that are free from the following:

coatings and shellacs
~ unnecessary binders, fillers and preservatives
~ artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners
trans fats and hydrogenated oils
~ wheat and gluten
~ GMOs
~ egg
~ peanuts
~ magnesium stearate

Most of these ingredients can diminish the bioavailability or health promoting potential of the nutrients. 

Because our supplements are pharmaceutical grade and are only available through practitioners, we do require you to create an account at our Get Healthy Store, to browse our products and pricing. Creating an account does not obligate you to purchase. 

Using supplements in cooperation with a wellness plan and with the guidance of a qualified practitioner or nutritionist can give get you started quickly to a healthier you. Call us at (704) 542-6500 or contact us  today to set an appointment to begin your journey to healthier future. 

A Healthy Gut

Tammy Gallagher, FNP, has Crohn's Disease and is all too familiar with the power of a healthy gut. Your GI tract is responsible for absorbing and assimilating the nutrients from the food we eat and supplements we take, without absorbing the toxins. Candidly that's a really tough job, and most of us have challenges getting this accomplished. When more than micronutrients get absorbed into the blood stream this creates a myriad of down stream effects.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

leaky-gut-repairInside of our intestines we have extensive surface area where micronutrients from the foods we eat are absorbed into the blood stream and lymphatic system. When your gut is healthy it is a selective barrier. It has tight junctions that controls what gets absorbed into the body. However, an unhealthy gut lining sometimes develops wide junctions that allow partially digested foods, toxins, bacteria, fungus and parasites to penetrate through the intestinal wall into the blood stream and lymphatic system.

The blood stream doesn't want these toxins, and when it gets overloaded it kicks these unwanted particles out into the interstitial fluid. The lymphatic system and liver can clean this up, but it puts your immune system in overdrive and is believed to cause several possible down stream health issues.

The research space is booming right now with studies showing that modifications to the intestinal bacteria and inflammation may play a role in the development of several common chronic diseases, specifically autoimmune diseases. Which ones? Genetics usually play a significant role in which disease but Crohn's, Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis (MS) are possible, just to name a few.

But one thing is for certain, when the gut is healthy with tight gap junctions and a healthy balance of bacteria, developing an autoimmune disease is almost impossible. But having your immune system clean up the toxins that leak out of the gut, putting it in overdrive twenty four hours a day, is believed to be the number one cause of immune dominance.

To learn more about Leaky Gut Syndrome CLICK HERE to go to our affiliated company's site for more details.

Contact Us

Tammy Gallagher, Functional Nutrition Practitioner has been helping Charlotte area people as well as those throughout the country get healthier with her three tier approach to ultimately find and support root causes. Call us at (704) 542-6500 or schedule an online appointment to begin your journey to greater health…naturally. 

Current patients can CLICK HERE  to schedule your appointment online. New patients can CLICK HERE to schedule. 

Gallagher Chiropractic and Wellness is located at 7810 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy #101, Charlotte, NC  28277.

Gallagher Chiropractic and Wellness Center Services

The services we offer to treat the majority of conditions are as follows:

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