Care Plan

Chiropractic care is like building a house – certain things have to happen in a particular in order for everything to stand strong and work correctly. Your body has to go through a sequence plan of care in order to repair itself correctly and fully. There are three general phases of chiropractic care.

Phase 1: Relief Care

  • Detailed exam and explanation
  • Gentle, effective pain relief
  • Hands-on therapy to get you back on your feet

Phase 2: Rehabilitative Care

  • Correct underlying injury of cause of discomfort
  • Strengthen the muscles
  • Improve neuro-musculoskeletal function
  • Office visits reduced
  • Home rehabilitation exercises and stretches

Phase 3: Wellness Care

  • Maintain improved health
  • Encourage normal muscle and joint function
  • Prevent return of original condition
  • Catch small problems before they become serious

Nervous system function isn’t what most people think or worry about until they feel discomfort in their body. We recommend regular check ups when your feeling fine. Take a minute and think how well you treat your pet or your car. Do you take better care of those things than your own nervous system?


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Office Hours

Some Friday mornings staff may be available for phone calls.

Kent Office


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm





