Pinched Nerve

Nothing is more miserable than a pinched nerve, it can debilitate you or worse cause lasting damage. The pain should not be ignored, it is a warning signal of trouble. Damage from a pinched nerve can be temporary or long-lasting, by addressing these early, you can achieve better health.

Nerves extend from the brain and the spinal cord, like a web of information. When you have a pinched nerve, which is called a nerve compression, not only do you feel pain, but you might have other problems.

The common kind of pinch nerve are:

  • Sciatica: this is the one you hear of most often. It is a sharp pain that runs down one or both legs from the lower back. It can leave you limping or crumbling with pain and the inability to walk.
  • Cervical radiculopathy: this is nerve in the neck. It results in pain, numbness, and sometimes weakness radiating into the chest or arm. It can cause your hands to tingle and for those who use computers, this can be stressful.
  • Thoracic radiculopathy: this is a common form of pinch nerve, but it happens to be a rare disease of the root of a nerve in the middle (thoracic) section of the spine.

A pinched nerve occurs when there is pressure on a nerve from a bone, ligament, or tendon. This pressure may occur because of repetitive motion, or from staying in one position for long periods of time. Very common with actions like sitting on the computer for too long, or sleeping in an awkward position.

Although you might be able to alleviate it with a bit of stretching, if it doesn’t resolve with some simple movement, a pinched nerve is nothing to ignore. In general, it’s more beneficial and helpful to see a chiropractor, who can realign your body and relieve the compression.

Pinched nerves, if left untreated, can lead to conditions such as Peripheral neuropathy or Carpal tunnel syndrome.

If you live in the Bellevue area you can contact Chiropractic of Bellevue at


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