If you have been in an auto accident and think you have suffered whiplash, you may have questions. At Chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA, we can help you stay informed. Read on below for FAQs concerning whiplash, its effects, and more.


What If I Don’t Feel Neck Pain after the Accident?

In some cases, you feel pain immediately after the incident, but in other cases, you don't feel pain until days, maybe even weeks, later. The sooner you get in to see us, the sooner we can perform an exam to check for damage.

What Does Whiplash Feel Like?

Whiplash caused by an auto accident injury can range from mild to severe. You may feel pain or stiffness in your neck, shoulders, and maybe your upper back. You can also suffer from headaches, irritability, blurred vision, dizziness, sleep disturbance, and ringing in your ears.

Why Go to a Chiropractor?

While you can visit your primary care physician after an accident, they are likely to give you medication if you are experiencing pain. That makes it hurt less, but often, after you finish the medication, the pain returns. We can get to the bottom of what is causing your pain. In our exam, we will look at your spine to see if it is out of alignment and or if you have done damage to soft tissue.

Do Chiropractic Techniques Hurt?

Generally, no. Our techniques, such as spinal adjustments, massage, and corrective exercises, are gentle. If you feel any discomfort at any time, let a chiropractor on our team know and we will adjust the technique. We want to free you of pain - not give you more. We also offer rehabilitative exercises to increase your strength and stability, which you can continue to use to potentially keep the pain from returning.

How Many Times Do I Need to Visit?

That depends on the extent of your injuries. You may be asked to come on a regular schedule until we relieve you of the pain with more intermittent visits afterward.

Get Chiropractic Care and Auto Accident Injury Treatment from a Chiropractor Near You

If you have been in an auto accident, contact a qualified chiropractor on our team at Chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA. Give us a call today to make an appointment. Call us at (425) 802-5432 for chiropractic care and auto accident injury treatment from a chiropractor near you.


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