Common Questions about Back Pain Relief

If you suffer from back pain, you’ll be glad to hear that pain relief is well within reach through chiropractic care. At Chiropractic of Bellevue, we have countless patients who have achieved back pain relief through chiropractic treatments. We’re sure we can help you. Here are some common questions our patients ask about back pain and chiropractic back pain treatments.

What causes back pain? 

You can develop back pain for any number of reasons. Back pain can be caused by auto, sports, work place, or home injuries. Sudden trauma on your body can cause misalignments in your spine, torn ligaments, strained muscles, or dislocated joints, all of which can lead to back pain.

Heavy lifting or repetitive motions can strain muscles or tissues in your back, causing pain. Poor posture, obesity, and pregnancy can put undue pressure on back muscles, resulting in pain and discomfort. Back pain can also be caused by a herniated disc.

Why is my back pain extending down through my hips and leg? 

Low back pain that extends from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down one leg is a sign of sciatica. Sciatica pain occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed, which extends from your lower back all the way down your leg.

How do chiropractors treat back pain?

Chiropractic care utilizes natural therapies like adjustments, massage, stretches, and corrective exercises to achieve back pain relief. Using multiple therapies can help you get better results from your treatment.

Our Bellevue chiropractor uses adjustments to realign your spine to take pressure off of spinal nerves. This can help relieve muscle tension, inflammation, and pain. Spinal decompression can relieve pressure from herniated discs to achieve pain relief. Massage increases blood circulation to strained muscles and tissues to expedite healing. Combined with stretches and corrective exercises, massage can help restore your flexibility and range of motion to pre-injury levels so you can move about pain-free.

See Our Bellevue Chiropractor for Back Pain Relief

To schedule a consultation for diagnosis and treatment of back pain issues, contact Chiropractic of Bellevue at 425-802-5432.


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