Flu Prevention - Do it Naturally.

Having the flu is no fun. Unfortunately it seems to come around every winter and therefore is just something we have to endure. However, there are natural preventions and remedies to catching the flu.

Alternative Natural Flu Remedies and PreventionI am a HUGE fan of Garlic. Garlic, even though it is a bit smelly, has a long history of boosting immunity, fighting allergies and even battling cancer. Garlic also gets the blood flowing and improves cardiovascular functions.  A study in England showed that a garlic supplement cut down on the duration of the common cold and also decreased the incidence of flus and colds.  There are Garlic tablets that can be bought at a Health Food Store which don't produce much of a garlic smell.

Vitamin C - I am also a huge fan of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C really helps the body fight respitory infections and diseases. Intaking Vitamin C can greatly decrease your chances of contracting a cold or the flu.

Zinc Lozenges can also greatly decrease the odds of contracting the flu and they also help fight the flu.

I am not much of a tea drinker but when fighting the flu there are some amazing teas out there that help combat the flu.  Black tea and green tea boost the immunity of the body and help fight off infection.

Another healthy, natural means to decrease the chances of illness, the flu and colds is Chiropractic as well as Acupuncture.  Chiropractic adjustments put the body back in alignment so that the body operates in the way it was naturally intended to. When this occurs...the body is stronger and more resistent to disease and illness. Acupuncture also works well in putting the body's energy back into normal operation (where it can fight off disease, infection and more).

Reducing the number of people and things in one's life that are stressful are also a huge factor in eliminating incidents of the flu and combating the flu. When people are stressed out...they are more vulnerable to infections and more likely to get ill.

These are some natural remedies and preventions for the flu. If you would like a Chiropractic Adjustment please call us today 425-802-5432.

-Dr. Edward Owens, D.C.

Kawakita K, et al. Preventive and curative effects of acupuncture on the common cold: a multicentre randomized controlled trial in Japan. Complement Ther Med 2004 Dec;12(4):181-8.

Reid MR, et al. The effects of stress management on symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, secretory immunoglobulin A, and mood in young adults. J Psychosom Res 2001 Dec;51(6):721-8.


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