Yard Work and Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Yard Work and Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Yard Work and Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Yard Work and Gardening: Alleviate Muscle Pain this Spring

Spring and summer weather brings the opportunity for those with a green thumb to spend hours outdoors tending to gardens and making their yards beautiful. However, these activities can increase the risk of back injury, neck pain and joint injury as well as muscle pain.

Your Livonia chiropractor Arbor Crossing Chiropractic Life Center, PLC is here for you should you need chiropractic care from aches, pains and spinal misalignment suffered from working in the yard or garden. There are also some protective measures you can take to minimize the risk of injury:

Proper Stretching, Warm Up and Cool Down

As with any type of exercise or physical activity, warming up the muscles and joints is essential to both safety and performance. Take the time before picking up your gardening tools to stretch and limber up your muscles and joints. Stretch your upper and lower back, arms and the fronts and backs of your legs. Do the same after your gardening session.

Use Proper Form When Gardening

Never bend at the waist or lower back when lifting items in your yard or garden, or when weeding or planting seeds. Always bend at the knees and make sure your hips and all joints track straight and never at an awkward angle.

Back injury, neck injury, muscle pain and joint problems are all very real injury risks when gardening and doing yard work. Your Livonia chiropractor Arbor Crossing Chiropractic Life Center, PLC is here to assist you with any issues that might arise this gardening and yard work season. Chiropractic services such as manual manipulation and spinal or joint adjustment can make all the difference in bringing non-invasive, drug-free pain relief. These techniques can also correct any imbalances or subluxations that might stand in the way of healing.

Contact Our Local Chiropractor Today

If you have injured your back or are experiencing chronic muscle pain from gardening or yard work, contact your Livonia chiropractic clinic Arbor Crossing Chiropractic Life Center, PLC. We look forward to assisting you in getting on the road to healing and enjoying time outdoors again!

Whether you are searching for pain relief without the use of drugs, or you want to fix a sports injury without surgery, we can help you. Dr. Grant Schneider has been serving the areas of Livonia, Westland, Plymouth, and Canton, MI for more than 22 years as a leading chiropractic doctor. He will work with you to treat your neck pain, headaches, sciatica, disc injury, painful joints, and back pain. Contact our office at 734-462-2262 to schedule an appointment.


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