Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis and Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis and Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis and Treatment

Pain in Your Wrist, Hand, or Fingers? It May Be Carpal Tunnel

Today's blog is focused on carpal tunnel syndrome, a very common issue for many patients who visit our chiropractor in Livonia. Carpal tunnel can develop when the median nerve -- the main nerve responsible for the hand and fingers -- becomes compressed or swollen.

Carpal tunnel happens most often in patients who have to make repetitive motions with their hands, wrists, or fingers on a regular basis. This can include jobs like factory assembly or any jobs that require a lot of time typing on a computer keyboard. While repetitive motions at work are the most common cause of carpal tunnel, some chronic conditions like arthritis may also cause carpal tunnel. 

The symptoms of carpal tunnel include shooting pain, tingling, or weakness in the wrists, hands, and fingers. Usually, the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers are involved while the pinky finger isn't. The pain can be quite serious and may even interfere with your ability to work or enjoy your usual activities.

How Your Chiropractor in Livonia Can Help With Carpal Tunnel

As your chiropractor in Livonia, Dr. Grant A. Schneider offers non-invasive treatment solutions that can set you free from carpal tunnel pain. No medication is required for chiropractic treatment. Gentle chiropractic adjustments can be performed on the spine, as it's connected to your median nerve. Additionally, Dr. Schneider can do specific adjustments on your hand and wrist if needed. This can alleviate swelling, pain, and other problems connected with a carpal tunnel. 

Contact Our Local Chiropractor in Livonia for More Information Today!

Arbor Crossing Chiropractic Life Center, PLC is your local chiropractor in Livonia, MI. While serving the areas of Livonia, MI, Westland, MI, Plymouth, MI, and Canton, MI, Dr. Grant A. Schneider has done more than 75,000 individual adjustments in the course of his 22-year career. As an experienced and highly skilled chiropractor, Dr. Schneider will take a conservative approach to help you recover from pain and injury. Dr. Schneider treats carpal tunnel, back injury, headaches, sciatica, disc injury, knee injury, hip injury, and many other kinds of injury. Contact Arbor Crossing Chiropractic Life Center, PLC anytime to arrange an appointment with Dr. Schneider.


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