Ice and Heat Therapy for Pain

Ice and Heat Therapy for Pain

We’ve all done it. Tweaked our back doing yard work. Thrown out our shoulder lifting a laundry basket or playing gold. Gotten a sore knee during our morning jog. Sometimes the pain is enough to require some for of treatment. We hear that we should use cold or heat therapy, but which should we use and when? Here’s what WebMD has to say.

Apply Cold

Put an ice pack on your back for 10 to 20 minutes to reduce nerve activity, pain, and swelling. And be sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel to protect your skin.

Apply Heat

Studies show that it can provide short-term pain relief. A hot shower, bath or heating pad can help relax tense muscles and reduce inflammation. But if you use a heating pad, be careful. Don’t set it on “high” or fall asleep with it on your skin. It could cause serious burns.



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