Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics

Proper Workplace Ergonomics To Prevent Injuries at Work

Many people believe that if they sit at a desk all day that they are safe from workplace injuries. Since they aren't working at heights or carrying loads, that there is no risk of injury. This is not true. Office workers can suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, neck strain, and back strain. There are several ways that office workers can become injured while at work if they don't take the proper precautions. The best way to prevent a workplace injury in an office is to practice proper workplace ergonomics. To do this, there are a few tips that you should follow.

Proper Posture While Seated

The way that you sit at work can prevent a workplace injury. You should make sure that your chair is adjusted so that your feet rest on the floor and that your knees are level with your hips. If your chair is too high and your feet won't reach the ground, use a stool If your chair doesn't provide adequate lumbar support, keep a cushion in the curve of your back.

Keep Items Close

To avoid unnecessary stretching all day, you should keep items that you regularly use like your phone, stapler, and mouse close.

Using the Computer

To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, you should keep your keyboard in a place where your wrist will be straight and relaxed. To minimize the stress on your wrists, you should use a wrist rest. When you are using your mouse, try to keep your wrist relaxed.

Talking On the Phone

While using the phone at work, avoid cradling it between your neck and your head. This can result in neck strain. If you spend most of your day on the phone, you should consider using a headset.

Positioning Your Monitor

It is best to keep your computer monitor at arm's length in front of your face. It should also be at eye level. Keeping it too high or too low can strain your neck.

Call Arbor Crossing Chiropractic Life Center, PLC Today!

If you are suffering from an office workplace injury, you should make an appointment with Arbor Crossing Chiropractic Life Center, PLC. Our chiropractor in Livonia can create a work injury treatment plan for you. With regular chiropractic care, you can start feeling some pain relief. In fact, we can have you feeling more comfortable after just one visit.

Whether you are searching for pain relief without the use of drugs, or you want to fix a sports injury without surgery, we can help you. Dr. Grant Schneider has been serving the areas of Livonia, Westland, Plymouth, and Canton, MI for more than 22 years as a leading chiropractic doctor. He will work with you to treat your neck pain, headaches, sciatica, disc injury, painful joints, and back pain. Contact our office at 734-462-2262 to schedule an appointment.


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