Clermont Chiropractor Treats Car Accident Injuries Successfully with Chiropractic Medicine

Clermont chiropractor helps treat whiplash.jpgAuto Accident Injury in Clermont FL

Every year, nearly two million Americans file insurance claims as a result of whiplash injuries, according to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety. Almost 10 percent of these insurance claims are filed for chronic health problems. Whiplash is a broad, non-medical term used to describe a variety of head, neck and spinal injuries, most often caused by car accidents. These injuries happen when the neck is jerked back quickly, such as in a rear end collision.


Treating a Car Accident Injury with Chiropractic Techniques

Seeking prompt medical care is important in auto accident injuries. Some injuries, such as a pinched nerve, may not be apparent at the time of the collision, but can result in lingering and chronic headaches as well as back and neck pain that gets worse days and even weeks after the accident.

You don't have to suffer with pain from a car accident injury. At Michaux Family Chiropractic in central Florida, we strive to help you manage your neck and back pain without invasive surgery or potentially hazardous prescription drugs.

Our Clermont chiropractor combines chiropractic techniques with a total wellness approach that includes physiotherapies like moist heat therapy and mechanical traction, instruction on corrective exercises you can do at home to build up the muscles that support the neck and spine, nutritional information on what foods to eat to help you heal, and lifestyle advice on such things as the best shoes to wear or desk chair to buy to lessen your pain.

Have you recently been in an auto accident? Do you have back and neck pain as a result of your injuries? What treatment did you seek? Share your experiences with our readers by leaving a comment below.




Primary Location


Kings Ridge Publix Plaza 4347 S. US HWY 27 A-9,
Clermont, FL 34711


General Office Hours

Doctor adjusting times may vary- Please call for additional info

Accepting Calls 24/Hours


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm



3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm




8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm





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