Treatment for Headaches and Migraines From Clermont Chiropractor

Clermont chiropractor aids in pain management.jpgThere are numerous causes and treatments for headaches and migraines. At Michaux Family Chiropractic, in Clermont, FL, our chiropractors, Dr. Jamee Fike, Dr. Daniel Warner and Dr. Kurt Michaux, offer chiropractic treatments for pain management of headaches and other injuries. The treatments allow patients to escape the pain of a migraine or headache without needing strong over-the-counter or prescription medication.

Common Causes of Headaches and Migraines

The exact cause of a headache depends on its type. A tension headache usually occurs when a patient has tight muscles on the back, neck and scalp. Tension can build up when a patient is stressed, hasn't been sleeping enough, or by strain due to exercise. Having poor posture can contribute to tension headaches.

A migraine is commonly caused by a trigger. The exact cause of many migraines is not known. Some patients experience migraine pain after eating certain foods, such as chocolate or cheese or consuming caffeine. Changes in hormone levels can also trigger a migraine, as can a change in weather pressure.

Injuries in auto accidents can cause chronic headache pain. A whiplash injury may lead to headaches, either due to the head itself being injured or from pain in the neck and spine.

Clermont Chiropractor Treats Headaches

Chiropractic treatment is a pain management solution for patients who suffer from head pain. Spinal manipulation eases pain from a tension headache and can help alleviate the pain of a migraine headache too. Trigger point therapy can also help relieve the pain of a headache. The therapy releases knots in the muscles on the back and neck, soothing pain. In addition to chiropractic care, patients may consider lifestyle choices to prevent headache pain. Avoiding known triggers prevents migraines in many cases. Exercises to improve posture relieve tension in a person's back.

Have you tried chiropractic treatment for headache and migraine pain?

Primary Location


Kings Ridge Publix Plaza 4347 S. US HWY 27 A-9,
Clermont, FL 34711


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8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm



3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm




8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm





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