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How To Maintain Your Alignment Between Chiropractic Treatments

Alignment Between Chiropractic Treatments

Most people leave their chiropractor’s office following an adjustment feeling relaxed and refreshed. Here at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC, we understand our patients want to make the effects of their treatments last as long as possible. Here are some simple things you can do to maintain your adjustment between chiropractic treatments.

Be Mindful Of Your Posture

If you are someone who works in a profession that requires you to sit for long periods of time, you need to make sure you pay attention to how you are sitting. Concentrate on sitting towards the edge of your chair verses leaning back or slouching over. It is important to keep in mind, your spine can revert to the position it was in before your adjustment.

Get Plenty Of Rest

There is something to be said about getting a full seven to eight hours of sleep each night. When your body is working to heal itself, you have to give it the time it needs to rejuvenate and repair itself. This is the reason why it is so important to get ample amounts of rest each night.

Move It

One of the biggest mistakes people tend to make when they are recovering from an injury or illness is moving around as little as possible. The best thing you can do for your body is to keep moving after a chiropractic adjustment. Walking helps with the healing process because it helps keep the stiffness at bay and the joints loose.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is essential to the healing process. Every cell in your body contains water that your body needs to function. Dehydration can cause the tissues in your body to malfunction. You can get cramps, become nauseated or get dizzy. Additionally, dehydration slows down the healing process. You should drink half of what you weigh in ounces daily.

Maintain Your Health, Contact West Hartford Chiropractic LLC Today!

Our doctor here at Hartford Chiropractic LLC wants to remind you to consider your posture when you sleep at night. Make sure you choose a pillow that will follow along with the curvature of your back as a part of your preventative care plan and maintain proper spinal alignment. The simple tricks listed here will help you maintain your adjustment until your next chiropractic visit. Call us to schedule an appointment for your next adjustment at (860) 232-5556.



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