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Rehabilitation Exercise

When healing from a serious injury, regaining your original range of motion is an obvious goal. However, the traditional medical approach to injury recovery often includes keeping patients sedentary for weeks following the injury. Also, many doctors rely on prescription medication to aid in injury rehabilitation, which often causes more harm than good. At West Hartford Chiropractic, we expiate the injury recovery process through exercises with our chiropractor.


Healing Motion is Different from Regular Movement

Moving an injured area is going to be painful at first. To ease your body back into a healthy range of motion, we start slowly with what are known as rehabilitation exercises. These guided motions remind the body how to work and how to heal correctly. Scarring, for example, is a big problem with torn soft tissue. If it heals incorrectly, scarring can limit motion. It also makes the same area prone to being injured again in the future. With guided movement, however, scarring is kept to a minimum as the injured tissue gets used to bearing its typical load again.

Many Rehabilitation Exercises are Possible

At West Hartford Chiropractic, patients are treated through a variety of movements that help joints remember their paths of motion, help muscles repair correctly, and help your nerve endings in the injured area send and receive signals properly.

Traditional medical care does not provide this kind of follow-up. HMO type care won’t get to a plan-approach to rehab until months after the injury. At that point, a significant amount of scarring has already occurred. The body doesn’t stall or get put on hold after an injury—it starts trying to heal itself right away.

The type and intensity of prescribed rehabilitation exercises vary case by case. Different factors are considered for each patient, including the extent of their injury, their prior health, and the amount of rehabilitation needed. For instance, our chiropractor will treat a patient who injured their back in an automobile accident differently than a patient with a torn ligament due to sports injury. Personal injury, sports injury, and automotive injury are the most common reasons patients seek care through rehabilitation exercises.

Local Chiropractor Help for Rehabilitation

At West Hartford Chiropractic, we have years of experience offering injury treatment through rehabilitation exercises to West Hartford, CT, and the surrounding areas. We offer myofascial release exercises, joint strengthening exercises, guided motion, and more to help patients improve their mobility. For more information on our drug-free rehabilitation methods, or to schedule an appointment, call us at (860) 232-5556 or visit us online.



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7:45 am-6:00 pm


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