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How Excessive Sitting Can Take Years Off Your Life

West Hartford Chiropractic LLC Discusses How Excessive Sitting Can Take Years Off Your Life

The society we live in encourages people to live sedentary lifestyles. Here at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC, our chiropractor has sounded the alarm about what excessive sitting and living a less active lifestyle does to the body. Most people spend a great portion of their work day sitting in front of a computer screen, so it makes it difficult for them to get the exercise they need. Our West Hartford chiropractor suggests that there are ways for you to utilize work ergonomics and other common sense methods to afford your body the opportunity to move throughout the day.

Sitting Disease Is Hazardous To Your Health

Researchers have determined that there is a direct correlation between sitting for excessive periods of time and Type 2 Diabetes, multiple types of cancers and cardiovascular disease. Excessive sitting is also the root cause of the pain and other issues people tend to have with their backs and their necks. When you remain in a seated position for extended periods of time it stresses the discs and muscles along the spine. This also causes your hip flexors to tighten and reduces the flow of blood to the gluteus maximus. You should take into account that the gluteus maximus provides the spine with a great deal of support. Moreover, the longer you sit the greater opportunity you have of ignoring the need to use proper posture. Improper posture over time can cause irreversible damage to the spine and its connective tissues.

Change Your Ways

Many employers have invested in ergonomic studies and equipment to help improve the health of their employees. Some have even provided workshops to educate their workforce on the importance of movement and standing throughout the day. Studies have shown chiropractic treatment modalities to be effective in the treatment of symptoms related to sitting disease. Here in our office, our chiropractor works with our patients to develop individual treatment and maintenance plans to help alleviate the pain and stiffness associated with excessive sitting. Our doctor uses a combination of treatments like spinal adjustments, cold laser therapy, electro stimulation therapy and exercise regimens to assist our patients.

Live A Healthier Life, Contact West Hartford Chiropractic LLC!

Here at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC, we want to help people live longer, healthy lives. If you work in an environment where you are required to sit for long periods of time you should consider having a chiropractic exam to determine if there are any spinal issues developing that require treatment. If you are experiencing pain, you need to be evaluated and treated to avoid further damage. Give our office a call at (860) 232-5556 to schedule your appointment today.



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