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Understanding Thoracic Rib Facet Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery

Thoracic Facet Syndrome is a debilitating condition characterized by excruciating pain in the thoracic spine region. Unlike typical musculoskeletal issues, this syndrome presents unique challenges in both diagnosis and treatment. Individuals suffering from thoracic facet syndrome often experience severe pain during inspiration, leading to sleep disturbances and a diminished quality of life. Our chiropractors in West Hartford, CT, want you to understand the origins, signs, symptoms, and effective chiropractic treatments for this condition.

Origin of Thoracic Facet Syndrome

Thoracic facet syndrome primarily stems from dysfunction or misalignment of the ribs, specifically affecting the costo-transverse and costo-vertebral joints. These joints, crucial for proper rib movement and expansion during breathing, can become subluxated or partially misaligned. Such misalignments, often referred to as "bucket handle down" facet rubs, result in restricted mobility and intense pain.

Signs and Symptoms

The hallmark symptom of thoracic facet syndrome is severe pain during inspiration, which can be agonizing enough to awaken individuals from sleep, eliciting cries of distress. This pain typically does not respond to conventional over-the-counter or prescribed medications, leaving sufferers desperate for relief. Even visits to the emergency room often provide only partial respite through intravenous or intramuscular morphine administration.

Other signs and symptoms of Thoracic Facet Syndrome may include

  • Limited range of motion in the thoracic spine.
  • Difficulty breathing deeply.
  • Tenderness and inflammation around the affected rib joints.
  • Radiating pain to the chest, shoulder, or upper back.

Diagnosis and Chiropractic Treatment

Our chiropractors at West Hartford Chiropractic provide accurate diagnoses of thoracic facet syndrome through a required comprehensive chiropractic examination. This includes a thorough physical assessment, orthopedic tests, and a neurological evaluation. Our Chiropractors in West Hartford, CT,  specifically focus on identifying subluxations and misalignments of the ribs, which hinder normal movement and exacerbate pain.

Chiropractic adjustments at West Hartford Chiropractic are tailored to realign the affected rib joints and offer rapid pain relief for many individuals. Our West Hartford Chiropractors employ specific chiropractic treatments to restore proper rib function, decrease inflammation, and alleviate pain. Chiropractic treatments such as chiropractic adjustments, are often performed over 1-6 sessions, aim to improve the range of motion and promote pain-free breathing.

Chiropractic Treatments at West Hartford Chiropractic

In conjunction with chiropractic adjustments, our chiropractors offer secondary treatments that may be employed to enhance recovery. Some chiropractic treatments can include - Cryotherapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), high-voltage therapy, and Kinesio taping can provide additional relief, particularly after rib mobility has been partially restored. However, caution must be exercised with treatments such as heat packs and massage therapy, as they can exacerbate inflammation and discomfort in the acute phase of care.

Thoracic Facet Syndrome Treatment in West Hartford, CT

Thoracic rib facet syndrome presents a formidable challenge for those affected, often causing severe pain and impaired breathing. However, with the expertise of our chiropractors and their tailored chiropractic treatments, individuals can experience significant relief and restoration of function. By addressing the underlying misalignments of the rib joints and promoting proper mobility, chiropractic care offers hope for those grappling with this debilitating condition. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms suggestive of thoracic rib facet syndrome, call our chiropractic specialists in West Hartford, CT at (860) 232-5556 to schedule an appointment. 

Notes for our Chiropractors:

This pain does NOT respond to medications at all. Over-the-counter or prescription medications and many times patients find themselves very frustrated and not by a visit to the Urgent Care Center or even the Emergency room. Sometimes one;y Morphine IV can help temporarily, but does not provide more than a very short-term relief, because the rib nerve supply is being "Yanked" and compressed.



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