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How to Be Productive When Working at Home During COVID-19

How to Be Productive When Working at Home During COVID-19

     Connecticut as well as many other New England states have requested businesses to require many of their employees to work from home. When working from home, many of us face several distractions that can easily cut down on our productive time. We often face distractions like wanting to complete chores like washing dishes, laundry, walking your dogs, and other daily activities that are commonly done at home. In addition to daily chores, our families are also more than likely around to interrupt your work time. On top of the distractions, you may start to feel cabin fever setting in. You are not alone in facing these new challenges.

Here are eight productivity tips for working at home: 

  • Set up your workspace in a specific area of your home where you can create that physical and mental separation between your job and your household members. If you do not have an entire room to work in, then find an area of your home that has little to no traffic to avoid distractions.
  • Use noise-canceling headphones to help cancel out distracting noises from your pets, household members, or ambient noise from outside. If you do not have these to use, then playing soothing music like waterfalls, raindrops, or ocean waves can provide a calming atmosphere while working.
  • Keep your mind on your work by creating a psychological boundary in continuing to think about the next task you want to complete by the end of the workday. It is easy to start thinking about desserts saved in your refrigerator or organizing a linen closet. It is best to complete these activities after business hours.
  • Talk to your housemates about your work schedule and ask them to respect your professional time. If you do not have a strict 9 AM to 5 PM schedule, then now is the time to come up with a strict schedule to ensure you are keeping up with the workload.
  • Put away all work-related devices at the end of the day. Keeping reminders of work visible does not allow for your brain to relax after a long day.
  • Discourage interruptions and drop-ins that may cause you to lose your focus and get behind in deadlines. Remind family, friends, and neighbors what your work hours are and let them know when you are available to connect.
  • Stay connected remotely with team members by making sure you have your company’s telecommuting devices hooked up and ready while you work. Avoid loneliness by making plans to meet on a regular basis and share creative ways you have adjusted to working from home.
  • Go outside as much as possible for a walk to avoid cabin fever. If you used to take a walk on your breaks at the office, then absolutely continue that routine while working from home.

    For preventative care during COVID-19, see your local chiropractor. Get your nervous system working at optimal capacity to treat the effect of prolonged sitting, an inappropriate workstation at home, and the effect of repetitive strain associated with the position of static effort. Prevent further damage to your body by strengthening your immune system and promote optimal health. For more information on how to stay productive and healthy during this time, call West Hartford Chiropractic at 860-232-5556.

Robinson, Bryan. “9 Tips To Be Productive When Working At Home During COVID-19.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 9 May 2020,



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