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Back To School: Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pains

Back to School: How Your Children Can Reduce Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pains

Across the country, students young and old are heading back to class, some in person, some online. Either way, back, shoulder, and neck pain is a common problem for students. Backpacks loaded with books and computers, long hours sitting on uncomfortable chairs in front of the computer, and numerous other school-related activities can leave you sore. West Hartford Chiropractic works with students in the West Hartford area every year to reduce pain and to address the underlying conditions.

Let us look at how your child’s schooling could leave them out of sorts and what you can do about it.

How Education Can Leave You in Pain

Whether your child is attending a university, high school, or elementary school, back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain are serious concerns. Often, students must race between class, carrying heavy backpacks with all their books, computers, and other needed supplies. A heavy backpack can strain your shoulders, neck, and back.

Meanwhile, schools are under pressure to keep costs low. This often means buying cheap desks and chairs. So, their pains may continue even after you get to class and set your backpack down. And if you have poor posture while sitting, issues are only going to worsen.

Add in long commutes, a poor diet, and other common school-related issues and students are setting themselves up for a world of pain.

Achieving Pain-Free Education

If your children are regularly suffering from back, neck, or shoulder pain, they should see a chiropractor, such as those found at West Hartford Chiropractic. We can help relieve pain through various exercises and hands-on treatment.

In addition to seeing your local Chiropractor, your children can continue to relieve pain by staying in good shape, working out, and eating better. Carrying fewer books, purchasing a lighter laptop, or a better backpack may also provide pain relief. If you are taking classes online, make sure your children are using more supportive chairs and ergonomic desks to reduce pain.

Not sure how to get started? Our chiropractors can help you get the care your family needs.

If you live near Hartford, get in touch with West Hartford Chiropractic and we will help make your education painless. Call 860-232-5556 to schedule an appointment.

“Back To School: Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pain.” Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage,



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