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Reduce Back Pain and Injuries with The Right Snow Removal Techniques

Man Shoveling Snow

Reduce Back Pain and Injuries with The Right Snow Removal Techniques

Snow shoveling is a strenuous physical workout and should be treated as such. If you are planning to shovel snow soon, or have recently suffered an injury, then here are some tips recommended by both the American Chiropractic Association and the chiropractors of West Hartford Chiropractic.

Here are some tips to prevent neck, shoulder, back, or other injuries while shoveling snow:

  • Stretch your arms, back, shoulders, and legs before going outside to prevent pulled muscles!
  • Do not forget to repeat the same stretches after shoveling snow!
  • Avoid lifting large heavy piles of snow as much as possible and instead, make the shovel do more of the heavy lifting by pushing the snow into piles!
  • When lifting snow, only lift smaller piles with bent knees and a straightened back.
  • Make sure to slowly rotate your entire body when throwing snow to avoid upper body injuries!
  • Take time to breathe properly to avoid injuries like a herniated discs. Inhale while scooping snow into the shovel and exhale when lifting.
  • Drink plenty of water during this strenuous activity

Dr. Laub at West Hartford Chiropractic recommends pushing the snow across the shortest distance possible when clearing large paths on a sidewalk, driveway, or patio. If you have injured your back due to snow shoveling, then do not hesitate to call our team at West Hartford Chiropractic.

Other Tips for Preventing Injuries While Shoveling Snow:

  • Wear the right shoes with traction to help keep your feet planted on the ground.
  • Leave icy spots to thaw out later to avoid any chances of slipping while you shovel snow.
  • Make sure to use a strong sturdy shovel to create less work and avoid back injuries. Find a shovel that is the right height for you to avoid any back hunching, but short enough to make it easier to lift the snow.
  • Make sure you plan enough time to shovel snow if you are on your way to work.

Overall, make sure to listen to your body and take adequate breaks to rest, stretch, and stay hydrated. Stop all snow shoveling if you feel chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, or overly exhausted.

Contact West Hartford Chiropractic Today!

Our Chiropractors at West Harford Chiropractic are here to recommend fast and reliable treatment for pain relief. For more information about our custom chiropractic care options and tips on how to avoid snow shoveling injuries in the future, call West Hartford Chiropractic to schedule an appointment with our chiropractors. We take back injuries seriously and provide you with the treatment you need. Find out how we can help you live pain-free.



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