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How Chiropractors Can Help Relieve Headaches

Are frequent headaches or migraines preventing you from living your best life? Most people opt for painkillers for relief. However, these medications only temporarily alleviate the symptoms. If you’re suffering from headaches or migraines, our team at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC in Hartford can help. Chiropractic care works to naturally alleviate the root cause of your head pain and prevent it from reoccurring.

What’s Triggering Your Headaches?

The most common trigger for headaches are from abnormal communication between the brain to the rest of the body.  The miscommunication of information sent from the brain to the body, the body to the brain, and how the information is received is called subluxation. This can be due to pinched nerves, twisted nerves, or variant motion of the vertebrae in neck that will all lead to decreased mobility, inflammation, muscle spasms (protect the muscle spasms), and pain. The headache is the end result in the nervous system. Using muscle relaxants will only treat the pain temporarily and not the underlining cause. Chiropractic adjustments correct the underlining cause of these abnormal communications, allowing the body to heal.

Are Headaches Similar to Migraines?

Most people usually assume migraines are just headaches that last for a long period of time. However, migraines cause more than head pain. While most migraines are accompanied by head pain, they usually exhibit symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Certain migraines will also cause people to see halos around lights. 

How We Can Help

Spinal manipulation is an effective treatment of head pain because it addresses the root cause of the pain. Adjustments align your joints and muscles, eliminating pressure from the nervous system. Most patients experience improved nervous system function after several adjustment sessions, helping to prevent headaches from reoccurring.

Myofascial release involves sending electrical pulses of energy to tightened muscles and joints, reducing tension. Other treatments like massage therapy, exercises, and lifestyle counseling are also effective in reducing the frequency and severity of headaches.

Visit Us for Natural Pain Management from Our West Hartford Chiropractors 

Looking for an effective way to treat your headaches or migraines? Contact our team at West Hartford Chiropractic LLC to schedule your first consultation. Our chiropractors will provide various tests to understand your current health and work with you every step of the way throughout your recovery. Learn more about the services we offer patients in and around the West Hartford area.



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