
Top 5 Stretches for Gardeners

Top 5 Stretches for Gardeners form our Frankfort, IL Chiropractor

Spending time out in your garden is a fun part of spring and summer. The problem is that you may notice pain in your lower back or sore shoulders from the movements and bending involved in the process. At Holistic Health & Chiropractic of Frankfort, we recognize that your sore back can stem from the repetitive motions associated with gardening. By working on a few simple stretches, you can reduce the strain and pain caused by your favorite spring and summer past-time.

Woman suffering from back pain while gardening

Lateral Stretches

If you want pain relief after planting your flowers, then start with simple lateral stretches. Stand straight and put on hand on your hips. Lift the other over your head and reach to the opposite side while leaning in the same direction. Repeat the process on the other side. 

Cat Stretch

The cat stretch is a simple yoga pose that helps with a sore back. Get on your hands and knees. Keep your hands at shoulder distance and your knees at hip distance. Pull your navel up to your spine and round your back. Slowly straighten your back.

Cow Stretch

The cow stretch is the opposite of the cat stretch. Start in the same position. Drop your stomach down to the floor and lift your head up and back. Your spine will arch and give your back a gentle stretch.

Head Rolls

Sore shoulders are a part of gardening. Gentle head rolls will help with your shoulder and neck pain. Drop your chin down toward your chest. Gently roll your head to one side and then back to center. Repeat on the opposite side.

Supine Twists

Supine twists are a good stretch for your lower back. Lay down with your legs up at a 45-degree angle and your arms out to your sides. Twist your legs to one side and look in the opposite direction. Hold the pose and then move back to the starting point. Repeat on the opposite side.

Contact our Frankfort, IL Chiropractor for Back Pain Relief

If you are suffering from back pain, our chiropractor in Frankfort, IL can help you find the right solutions for your pain. To learn more about stretches to help with pain relief, call Holistic Health & Chiropractic of Frankfort at (815) 469-7472 today.


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