
5 Easy Weight Loss Tips for Summer

5 Easy Weight Loss Tips for Summer

A key part of weight loss if following the right strategies to obtain and maintain your weight. Our chiropractor understands the challenges you face and offers the nutrition and exercise advice you need to reach your goals.

Woman preparing a healthy meal for weight loss

Drink Water

Hydration is a key part of good health. Drinking water before a meal helps you cut back on your calories during the meal. Drinking water also helps boost your metabolic rate. A general rule of thumbs is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Ex) If you weight 100lbs, drink 50 ounces of water.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is essential for weight loss. You want to combine weight training with cardiovascular exercises. If you are unsure of the appropriate exercises, then our chiropractor offers the assistance you need to start a new routine.

Eat a Healthy Nutrition Plan

Balanced nutrition means you have the vitamins, minerals and macronutrients you need for good health. In our clinic, we use a three step detox plan to help with your goals. In the first step, we focus on an anti-inflammatory diet. We remove common allergens from your diet and add in anti-inflammatory supplements. In the second step, we help your body eliminate toxins for 10 to 20 days. The final step is repairing stage. We focus on giving your body the building blocks and nutrients it needs to heal.

Cut Back on Sugar

Sugar impacts your weight by increasing your blood glucose levels. A simple way to cut back on sugar is alternating your foods. Choose berries over a sugary dessert. Eat vegetables for your snacks. Avoid highly processed foods.

Work with Our Chiropractic Professional

Work with our chiropractic team to reach your goals. Our chiropractor gives you nutritional counseling. We help you find the right balance of nutrients and the right exercise strategy. We simplify weight loss by addressing your specific needs.

Losing weight for summer starts with identifying your goals. At our clinic, we teach you the right strategies for your goals. To learn more about naturally losing weight or for an appointment, call (815) 469-7472 today.


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Holistic Health & Chiropractic of Frankfort


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