Sacramento Chiropractic Care for High Blood Pressure

Chiropractic Adjustments Can Lower
High Blood Pressure

    High Blood Pressure is the Silent Killer and the study I'll review here is truly amazing. Chiropractors have recognized for years that nerves control everything in the body. Control is compromised when there is nerve interference, which can come in the form of spinal misalignments, often referred to as subluxations.

    A newer study in the Journal of Human Hypertension reveals that chiropractic adjustments to correct subluxation of the atlas vertebrae, lower blood pressure. The atlas vertebra is also called “C1” and is the top vertebra just below the skull, at the level of the brain stem.

    The double blind, placebo-controlled study enrolled patients with Stage 1 hypertension who were not taking medication for the condition. During an eight-week period, half of the subjects underwent chiropractic care for restoration of atlas alignment using a chiropractic procedure. A control group received a fake or “sham” procedure.

    Compared with members of the placebo group, those undergoing chiropractic care enjoyed significant drops in both systolic BP and diastolic BP. No adverse effects were detected.

    What this means for you is that if you have stage 1 hypertension you may want to consider being checked for subluxation and adjusted as necessary before it progresses to the stages of hypertension that significantly impact health and requires medication. This study was published in the Journal of Human Hypertension – January 25, 2007;Epub.

    Additionally, I have found that another exceptional natural alternative for reducing high blood pressure, is taking L-Arginine Complete.  My own BP was creeping up into the stage one hypertension range last year. I started taking ProArgi-9+ and it returned to normal in less than a month. L-Arginine Complete contains L-arginine and L-citrulline, important amino acids that help the arteries relax!  It only costs $39 for about a month's supply. Natural and probably cheaper than meds!  Plus no side effects. 

    With my family history of heart disease, I will be taking it the rest of my life. Many of our patients now take it too.


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