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Safe Travels This Holiday Season

Greetings blog readers!

I hope you are finding some great ways to beat the colder weather, or to enjoy it like many do. I know I am looking forward to some snow skiing and getting a lot of use out of my pass this season!

It's already that time of year when we pack our bags and head for warmer places or to visit family. It's also that time of year when I get to hear about how the trip adventure went - the good, the bad and the ugly. Traveling means getting there somehow, sleeping in strange beds, eating different food, and of course, carrying stuff. That all can be a blast, but too often can add up to a pain in the neck, or worse. 

Here's a few tips from your Sacramento Chiropractor so you can have only the good stories before, during and after your trip:

If you're traveling by car:

  • Adjust the seat so you are as close to the steering wheel as comfortably possible.
  • Progress through a series of muscle stretches to prevent muscle soreness and fatigue: open your toes as wide as you can, and count to 10. Count to five while you tighten your calf muscles, then your thigh muscles, then your gluteal muscles. Roll your shoulders forward and back. Always make sure to put safety first and keep your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road.
  • Do not grip the steering wheel. Instead, alternate tightening and loosening your grip occasionally to improve hand circulation and decrease muscle fatigue in the arms, wrists and hands.

If you're traveling by plane:

  • Stand up straight and feel the normal "S" curve of your spine. To prevent back pain, use rolled-up pillows or blankets to maintain that curve when you sit in your seat.
  • Check all bags heavier than 5 to 10 percent of your body weight. Overhead lifting of any significant amount of weight should be avoided to reduce the risk of pain in the lower back or neck.
  • When pushing your belongings under the seat, do not force the object with an awkward motion using your legs, feet or arms. This may cause muscle strain or spasms in the upper thighs and lower back muscles.
  • While seated, vary your position occasionally to improve circulation and avoid leg cramps.

If your back or neck, or other parts are telling you they need a little check-up before you take off, give us a call. We'll give you our regular "12-point Sacramento Chiropractic pre-trip inspection" and adjustment if necessary, to make sure you have all the fun and R&R you want and need. 


Gregg C. Anderson, D.C.

Your Sacramento Chiropractor


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