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Helping our community stay safe and sane during the COVID-19 pandemic - update April 4, 2020

Staying safe and sane during the COViD-19 pandemic is getting more challenging every day. We are doing our part here at Anderson Chiropractic Clinic in Sacramento, and encourage everyone to do the same.  

Here we are, two weeks into the "shelter in place" orders in Sacramento,  and it looks like we will have to continue to be very careful and wise with our life choices for some time to come. Thankfully, no one that I know personally, either through the community or my practice, has been afflicted with the virus. I expect that will probably change soon.

We were able to remain open to serve our patients these past two weeks in our chiropractic practice. We had a slight decrease in the number of people we normally see which worked out well. We are doing our best to only have a couple people in the office at a time. I am thankful that everyone has been so understanding and cooperative.

I want you to know that as a licensed health care provider, I am committed to being available to those who need care. I am also very concerned about everyone's safety.  We had several people this past week who had severe pain that we were able to schedule and to help very much. The ER people we know have said they certainly don't want people with neck pain, back pain and headaches going there, when they can be safely and better served by doctors of chiropractic.  

In accordance with the "shelter in place" orders from the authorities, you are, at least for now, allowed to leave your home for your essential needs, like groceries and fresh air. Your chiropractic care or visits to other health care professionals is considered essential as well.

We do plan to be available during our normal office hours again next week. It will look and feel different around here, and we are taking many precautions to make sure that we and our patients are safe. We are thoroughly sanitizing the tables, and office, and I am washing my hands between every patient contact. We don't even have patients sit in the reception room chairs, unless they need to because of their pain, or other reason, but instead invite them directly into the private treatment rooms. 

We also have two air purifyers working full time, as well as an ultraviolet light and filters in our HVAC system to keep things fresh.

We ask that you do call first for an appointment time if you don't have one already. You can even call from the parking lot, like many did this week. We are doing our best to accomodate everyone, but also making every effort to not have more than a couple people in the office at any given time to allow for adequate social distancing. As much as I love shaking hands and hugs, I'll be keeping our physical contact to what is absolutely necessary for your care. We also will not be using the usual check-in touch screen for those who are used to doing that.

If you have had a fever of 100.4 degrees in the past 21 days, we will request that you be cleared by a medical professional before calling for an appointment. Likewise, if you have had a cough or shortness of breath, please contact your medical professional and consider being tested before calling.

Before all chiropractic exams and visits, I will be checking everyone's temperature with a quick and painless infrared thermometer. If a fever of 100.4 degrees or more is detected, I will not be able to examine or treat you, and will urge you to call your medical provider and self-quarantine. (None detected so far!)

We will get through this, and I look very forward to getting back to some normal living very soon. Let's all do our part.


Gregg Anderson, D.C.

Your Sacramento Chiropractor. 



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9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
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