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Chiropractic Visit

Common Pains at Work That Signal a Chiropractic Visit

If you find you are suffering from aches and pains after a day at work, finding appropriate treatment to get relief is a concern. Contacting Anderson Chiropractic Clinic can help. Here is some information about some of the more common pains a work environment tends to cause and how our chiropractor can help.

Man With Back Pain

Repetitive Movements

If you work doing a job where the same movements are conducted over and over again, the possibility of contracting carpal tunnel syndrome is rather high. It is important to use proper work ergonomics to help reduce the chance of this condition. Take frequent breaks and purchase tools to help keep body parts from over-extending their normal range of motion. For example, if you type, use a wrist cushion underneath your keyboard to keep your arms at a proper height to minimize the chance of an injury.

Lifting Heavy Items

If you are required to lift heavy or bulky items, it is extremely important to bear the brunt of the weight upon your legs instead of your back. Wearing a back brace or having a coworker assist with lifting helps reduce the chance of stress causing an injury to your neck or the likelihood of lower back pain. Do not lift more than one item at a time if weight is a concern. Instead, lift each item separately.

Sitting Or Standing For Long Durations

Remaining in one location for long amounts of time leads to poor circulation, sore muscles, and fatigue. It is best to take breaks frequently to help get your blood moving and to stretch your body. Avoid stress upon the back with the addition of a lumbar support cushion when driving or sitting at a desk. 

Schedule An Appointment With Anderson Chiropractic Clinic Today!

If you are dealing with lower back pain, stress upon your neck, problems due to poor work ergonomics, or carpal tunnel syndrome, a trip to see our chiropractor is beneficial. Contact Anderson Chiropractic Clinic to make an appointment to start a treatment plan for relief from discomfort. Call us today at (916) 485-5433 for more information. 


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