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Summer Fun and Visiting a Chiropractor

Summer Fun and Visiting Anderson Chiropractic Clinic in Sacramento, CA

Summer begs for physically-active pastimes, but if you aren't careful, you could end up spending weeks holding a sprained knee or a strained back. Many people find themselves in this sad state after they get so intent on a sport that they overexert themselves. Here are some tips from Anderson Chiropractic Clinic in Sacramento to help you avoid this fate.

Two people jogging

Don't Just Jump Into Summer Activity

The biggest mistake people make with summer activities is forgetting to take an entire winter and spring full of sedentary pastimes into account. As you sat and watched TV or played video games in the less-exciting seasons, your muscles became weaker and tighter. Your tendons and ligaments also tightened up from lack of use.

Give Your Body Time to Make the Transition to Vigorous Activity

To loosen up those tight soft tissues, it's a good idea to start with gentle stretching. This increases flexibility and thereby reduces the risk of strains and sprains. You can get a great head start on this if you come to our chiropractor for an evaluation. The exam will reveal which specific muscles and related structures are the tightest so that the doctor can suggest exercises that safely target them.

Next, do some strength training. For most people, simple body-weight exercises will be enough to build up the strength to help avoid problems like twisted parts when playing on the water or in sports. When doing this, be sure to focus on developing your strength evenly in order to avoid weak points.

Get a Chiropractic Adjustment

Professional sports teams in leagues like the NFL often have their players get chiropractic adjustments before games or to treat existing injuries. This improves their flexibility and reduces the chance for injury on the field.

Come See Anderson Chiropractic Clinic in Sacramento, CA Today

For help with a pre-activity exercise program, or to set up an adjustment before a game or other sport, Call Anderson Chiropractic in Sacramento, CA at 916-485-5433. We'll be more than happy to help you avoid summer injuries.


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