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Back Pain & Auto Accidents in Sacramento, CA

What is a Thoracic Disc Injury? Information from our Sacramento Chiropractor

Intervertebral discs are located between each vertebra in the spine and serve as built-in cushions and stabilizers. Each disc is composed of several outer layers (annulus) and a gel-filled interior (nucleus). The discs cushion the spine as the body moves and flexes. Discs can bulge or herniate. The condition is sometimes referred to as a slipped disc, but discs don’t really slip out of place so herniate is usually a more accurate term. At Anderson Chiropractic Clinic in Sacramento, we treat many patients with herniated discs.

Symptoms of a Thoracic Herniated Disc

When the disc herniates, the disc’s inner gel portion can bulge out through a tear in the tough outer annular layers. The gel bulge presses against nerves, which creates leg or back pain. People with degenerative conditions can also experience disc injuries as a result of them becoming brittle and weak.

The pain associated with disc injuries usually starts near the spine and then becomes a shooting pain and can travel down the extremities. Muscle spasms or general numbness or weakness can accompany the pain.

Diagnosis of a Herniated Disc

Dr. Gregg  Anderson, D.C. will do a spine check and a neurological check. He will also do range of motion tests to determine spine mobility and may ask you to do a leg raise test to diagnose the condition. Imaging tests to diagnose a herniated disc include CT scans and MRIs, while X-Rays are used to rule out any other conditions that could be causing the back pain.

Treatment Options for Herniated Discs

In the majority of cases (90%), herniated discs heal on their own. Half of the cases heal within the first month, as inflammation decreases. Dr. Gregg Anderson, D.C. will perform a series of chiropractic adjustments (spinal manipulation) to ease the disc back into place. He will likely limit your activity, and require physical therapy for muscle strengthening.

Contact our Chiropractor in Sacramento for Disc Injury Treatment

Make Anderson Chiropractic Clinic your choice injury and auto accident chiropractor in Sacramento. Chiropractic care for back pain can help people recover from thoracic disc injuries caused by auto accidents, sports accidents, or other injuries. If you suffer from lower back pain, or know or suspect you have a herniated disc, give us a call at (916) 485-5433.


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