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Do you have text neck and poor posture?


As a Sacramento chiropractor, I have been very busy this year, and because of what I am going to share in this blog post, I am very likely going to be even busier in the months and years to come. While I like being busy, it is always hard to see my own patients come in with terrible posture and with the symptoms that go along with it like headaches, neck and upper back pain and even numbness and tingling down the arms and hands... and worse.


I'd like and prefer to help everyone enjoy good posture and spinal alignment and avoid these awful issues. The truth is, if one waits too long, some of the damage can become irreversable, and that really concerns me, particularly with the young people in my practice.

Here's the problem:

We live in a world where technology dominates our daily lives and it is causing hunchbacks to appear in neighborhoods everywhere. From watching TV, utilizing computers for work, video games for kids, and of course, staring at our smart phone for hours scrolling through social media or playing games.

Its pretty clear that the world would not be what it is today without technology. However, as technology rapidly grows with each passing day, its consequences are starting to catch up with our health and they are presenting us with serious problems.

Posture REALLY Matters

Recently, more and more children, teenagers and young adults are developing hunchbacks due to the poor posture associated with constant use of cell phones and other devices with screens. Its even become common in parents, the middle-aged and the aging populations.

We used to associate bad posture, slouching shoulders and a hunchback as a sign of old age or a symbol of depression, weakness or an inferiority complex. Now, even the strong-willed, the leaders and the empowered are developing hunchbacks while they are young.

No matter what piece of technology you use, your neck and nerves may be paying the ultimate price. For every inch you tilt your head forward and look down at your phone, the weight of your head increases by roughly 10 pounds. Multiply these by several hours a day, 7 days a week for months on end and what happens? This forward head translation places an enormous amount of stress on spinal bones, nerves and the muscles that control your head movement.

It is not a coincidence that headaches and neck pain are increasingly being seen by Sacramento chiropractors and other healthcare providers. Because your body is amazingly adaptable, the hunchback is your body's method of adapting and coping with the stress that looking down on your phone places on your neck and spine.

This body position can reverse the normal curvature of your neck and place additional stress on the entire spine and nervous system causing all types of health problems and accelerating spinal and nerve degeneration, interfering with your health on many levels both today and as you age.

The nervous system is the master controller of your entire body, and it is imperative to make sure that it is healthy. Much like a cell phone requires a tower signal in order to send and receive calls and messages, your nervous system is your bodys natural IT system that is responsible for sending electrical signals to and from your brain so you can move, breathe, talk, and perform all of your favorite activities. When this system is interfered with, problems set in and manifest in a variety of painful, chronic and unfavorable ways.

Straighten up. Dont wait for a crisis! Be conscious of your posture when you're on the phone. Make the health of your nervous system a priority with chiropractic care. Dont let technology make you old before your time! Live your ideal lifestyle and unlock the potential that will allow you to live your best life, every day of your life.

Lastly, I know a lot of people don't put their health issues on the front burner and handle issues until they are in crisis mode and the problem is seriously interfering with work and life. That's how most of us roll. I also know that many people have mistaken notions about how much a consultation and examination with a chiropractor in Sacramento will cost, so they put it off. We have, for several years, have our new patient special that makes it easy for people to refer their friends and loved ones. It can't be used by folks with Medicare, work-comp or personal injury cases, but most people in the Sacramento region can take advantage.

This discounted initial visit is only $79, and it includes a consultation with me, an enlightening chiropractic, postural and physical exam, 2 spinal x-rays and of course whatever adjustments that can be made that same day. I have found that the most common things I hear from newer patients are, "I had no idea I could feel this much better so quickly," and "why did I wait so long?"

Most folks will certainly benefit from some follow-up care, and that is always up to them. A series of adjustments can really help to restore alignment and motion to the parts of the neck and back that get really tight. I can provide postural exercise recommendations, and other tips and strategies. Most postural correction care can be done at home. It is so worth doing. Nobody regrets finding pain relief and the good health and appearance that goes with good posture.

Thanks for reading all of this. I hope you didn't do that on your smart phone looking down!


Gregg Anderson, D.C. 


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