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5 Key Facts about Whiplash

5 Key Facts about Whiplash from our Chiropractor in Sacramento, CA

Woman injured from an auto accident

Whiplash is one of the most painful neck and upper spine conditions you can experience. In addition to neck pain, it can also cause a loss of mobility and an inability to perform many of your normal daily functions.

Neck pain from whiplash most often results from an auto accident. It is caused by the rapid force of being thrown forward during an auto accident and then backward. This action can cause tears in the tendons, muscles, and tissues surrounding the upper spine. Fortunately, as your auto accident chiropractor in Sacramento, Anderson Chiropractic brings you safe, gentle, non-invasive chiropractic care for whiplash that can assist you in experiencing relief and rapid healing.

Here are five facts about whiplash you might not have been aware of:

1. Neck Pain and Other Symptoms May Not Show Up Immediately

It can take days or weeks for all of the signs and symptoms of whiplash to manifest. This is why it is so important to see your Sacramento chiropractor for chiropractic care for whiplash as soon as possible after an auto accident.

2. An Auto Accident Isn’t the Only Whiplash Cause

While auto accidents are a common cause of whiplash, it can be caused by any action that moves the neck suddenly in one direction and then another. High impact sports like skiing, boxing, surfing, and football are just a few examples.

3. It Can Be Caused by Minimal Force

Whiplash can be caused even by low impact crashes and collisions.

4. Risk Increases with Age

Older individuals are at a higher risk of whiplash injury due to potential issues with osteoporosis and arthritis.

5. Rest Isn’t Best

While having whiplash may cause you to want to rest and lie low, it actually isn’t the best for your recovery process. A program of gentle, consistent movement along with treatment from your auto accident chiropractor in Sacramento Anderson Chiropractic actually helps to expedite healing.

Contact our Sacramento Chiropractor Today

Our Sacramento chiropractor here at Anderson Chiropractic is here to help you find relief from neck pain caused by whiplash. Your chiropractor brings targeted, effective treatments following an auto accident or other traumatic physical injuries.

If you’ve been in an accident, don’t delay; contact us today to schedule an appointment.


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