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Carpal Tunnel FAQ's

Carpal Tunnel FAQ's at Anderson Chiropractic

Carpal tunnel is a common condition of the wrists and hands. It can range from annoying to severely painful and disabling. These are some of the most common carpal tunnel FAQ's that we hear at Anderson Chiropractic.

Woman with Carpal Tunnel needs chiropractic care.

What Does it Mean to be Diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

In humans, the nerve that supplies feeling to the fingers runs down the forearm and into the hand through a narrow space called the carpal tunnel. Normally, there is enough space to cushion the nerve when the wrist moves. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is also referred to as CTS, is believed to occur when there is the narrowing of this space, putting pressure on the median nerve. More women than men suffer from CTS, and it is more common in older people and those who do a lot of repetitive hand motions.

What are Some Common Carpal Tunnel Symptoms?

The most common carpal tunnel symptoms are numbness and tingling in the fingers. The symptoms often wake sufferers at night and range from very mild to extremely severe. Pain is also a common symptom, ranging from minor to disabling. Extreme CTS may lead to weakness and loss of function in the affected hand.

How is Carpal Tunnel Diagnosed?

CTS is a complicated diagnosis that requires looking for other conditions before declaring it to be present. Often, it is a diagnosis of exclusion, when it is clear that there is something wrong with the nerves of the wrist and hand that cannot be accounted for by another issue. In some cases, CTS may occur in combination with other nerve issues higher up the arm.

How can Carpal Tunnel be Treated Through Chiropractic?

Here at Anderson Chiropractic, we offer carpal tunnel treatment Sacramento patients can use to achieve results without prescription drugs or surgery. Whether or not you have carpal tunnel syndrome, we can provide a diagnosis for most wrist and hand conditions that share symptoms with CTS. After diagnosis, treatment may include splinting, especially at night, manual adjustments, lifestyle adjustments such as paying more attention to ergonomics while working, and more.

How do I Make an Appointment with Anderson Chiropractic for my Carpal Tunnel?

It's easy! Just call us at 916-485-5433 to reach our friendly and helpful staff who are experienced at providing the carpal tunnel treatment Sacramento patients deserve. We also have a convenient online scheduling feature on our website. Your first visit is only $79!

What kind of CTS treatments have worked or not worked for you in the past?


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