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Symptoms to Look For After a Car Accident

Symptoms to Look For After a Car Accident in Sacramento

Car accident injuries can leave patients feeling poorly for weeks or months. Unfortunately, many patients fail to recognize the symptoms of car accident injuries when they first present themselves. Being able to recognize the symptoms of car accident injuries can help you determine when it's time to get help from a chiropractor. 

symptoms to look for after a car accident

Symptoms of Whiplash and Other Car Accident Injuries

Below are some of the most common symptoms of people with whiplash:

  • Neck stiffness and neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Headache
  • Blurry vision
  • Limited range of motion
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability

See our Chiropractor As Soon As Possible After An Accident

While the symptoms might be noticeable immediately after an accident occurs, symptoms of whiplash often take time to become obvious after an accident occurs. Waiting to seek chiropractic care can lead to complications. To avoid problems, we recommend patients see a chiropractor as soon as possible after an injury occurs, regardless of whether or not they have noticed symptoms. 

Chiropractic Care in Sacramento Can Help

At Anderson Chiropractic in Sacramento, we provide non-invasive, safe chiropractic treatment to our patients. With techniques like spinal adjustment, we realign the spine and improve communication within the central nervous system. This helps the body to heal while also reducing muscle pain. At Anderson Chiropractic we also use a range of other techniques, including:

  • Nutrition counseling - We teach patients how to eat an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce their inflammation and muscle stiffness.
  • Digital X-ray diagnosis - Our digital X-ray services help us diagnose patients quickly, so they can start getting the treatment they need right away. 
  • Lifestyle advice - We provide lifestyle advice to patients to help them avoid injury in the weeks following the accident. This helps patients to avoid further injury while they heal. 
  • Spinal decompression - During this technique, negative pressure is applied to the vertebrae to put the vertebrae back into place.   

Contact Us for Car Accident Chiro in Sacramento CA

At Anderson Chiropractic in Sacramento CA, we help patients recover from car accident injuries. Our caring and expertly trained staff can help patients get the treatment they need after a car accident occurs. For expert car accident chiro in Sacramento CA, contact us today at 916-485-5433. 


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