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Benefits of Nutritional Counseling

Benefits of Nutritional Counseling in Sacramento

Nutritional counseling in Sacramento does more than help with weight loss. Healthy eating has more benefits than to help you lose weight. Our chiropractor in Sacramento uses a healthy nutritional plan to improve your overall wellness, restore energy levels and manage chronic pain. If you are seeking natural ways to boost your health and ease the pain, our Sacramento chiropractor, Dr. Gregg C. Anderson looks forward to working with you and educating you on the value of healthy eating.

Woman eating a salad at home after nutritional counseling with her chiropractor.

Nutritional Support from Our Anderson Chiropractic Clinic in Sacramento

Dr. Anderson speaks with you to learn your health history, your current symptoms and your wellness goals. Then, our wellness team develops a healthy eating plan to ease the pain, improve health and give you a platform to reach your goals. Yes, weight loss is a valid reason for nutritional counseling, but we also use this information for other benefits including:

  • Improve energy levels - when you give your body healthy foods, it converts the food for energy instead of storing it as fat.
  • Decrease pain - food triggers may increase a migraine and fibromyalgia symptoms. We show you how to ease your pain by making healthier food choices.
  • Restore sleep - a healthy diet helps you sleep better which allows your body to repair and grow.
  • Enhance focus - if you are distracted or feeling unfocused, changing the way you eat goes a long way toward helping your focus.
  • Heal skin - even your skin looks better when you eat healthily.
  • Ease stomach discomforts - your digestive issues may be a result of selecting the wrong foods for you. We show you which foods ease stomach disorders so you can return to an enjoyable, pain-free life.

Contact our Sacramento Chiropractor for More Information Today!

Our chiropractor in Sacramento delivers quality nutritional counseling to support your health needs. Our wellness team works with your entire family for overall wellness improvements. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today at 916-485-5433.


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9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
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9:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm