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When choosing nutritional supplements, get the good stuff!


Many of you know that I recommend a handful of nutritional supplements at Anderson Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. There is mounting scientific evidence that taking the basics on a regular basis is very good for your brain, your joints and the rest of your body. I personally exercise regularly, get adjusted weekly, sleep good, eat fairly clean, limit my processed foods and sugars, and make a good effort to treat my body with respect. Not perfect, but not too bad either. For me, supplements still fill in the inevitable gaps and ensure that my 5 trillion cells get what they need to keep me going strong. Cheap insurance in my opinion. And it all works. I have not missed a day of work (or play) from being sick in 19 years.

My current supplement goodies include:  Metagenics Phytomulti- a good multi, Metagentics OsteoVantiv for joints, Metagenics OmegaGenics fish oil, and two different daily probiotics.  In addition, I take a daily dose of L-Arginine Complete that helps my blood flowing to all the places it needs to be, and it keeps my blood pressure down.

I change it all up from time to time, and in light of some current research, will be adding Chondrotin and Glucosamine back to my dailies. A recent study published in the January 14 issue of the medical journal, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, suggested that they work as well as the drug celecoxib in reducing moderate to severe knee pain - up to 50%. That is cool, because it is natural, has no toxic side effects like drugs do, and there is the assumption that the relief comes from the knees actually healing versus just masking their pain. I'd like to continue to use my knees for decades to come!  Now if we can just get some more snow in the Sierra's, so I can back to the slopes and make them really work hard!

I guess I spend about $180 a month on these supplements. 

That brings up my last point here. Is it worth it to buy the good stuff?  Well, today I saw the above story on the internet on ABC news. (see link at the top of the page). Yes it is worth it for many reasons.

I have had many patients over the years balk at the price of some of the supplements I recommend. The bottom line is:  You get what you pay for!   There are two major things to think about and consider when buying supplements: 

1. Label Claim - is the product listed in the label actually in the product?  In the case of stuff in the story sold at Walmart, Target, GNC and other places - NOT!  That is scary!  What is in it then?  You've really got to wonder when the stuff comes from China and who know where else?
2. Absorbability - does the stuff actually ever get into your blood stream and ultimately into your cells? Many just pass on through.  I have even seen vitamin tablets in people's colons on their x-ray.  They have not much use there, except maybe as a missle with a good toot! 

I like Metagenics products because they use Good Manufacturing Processes and have their stuff tested regularly. You get the good stuff and it makes it into your cells with their products. You just can't get them at WalMart.

Let us know if you have any questions. We'd be happy if we can be of some help.

You can also visit www.metagenics.com and read up on their products. Now you can even order online by using my practitioner code: AndersonChiro   They will ship directly to you.


Gregg Anderson, D.C.


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