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Tips for Boosting your Immune System this Fall

Happy Fall Season to You!

I don't want to "bug" you, but, as your Sacramento Chiropractor, I want to remind you that now is a really good time to boost your immunity!

It's never convenient when health challenges like back pain or a bad cold or flu take us out of the game for a while. With the Ebola scare, and those pesky cold and flu bugs that fly through Sacramento this time of year, there's never been a better time to de-stress and beef up your immune system.

Two things we recommend:

1. Being adjusted regularly reduces stress, and releases our energy for the things we want and need to do. We all know that chronic stress depletes our immune system and incresses our susceptiblity to colds and flu.

2. Protect your system with quality probiotics?

Pro-what-otics you may wonder?

Probiotics are organisms that occur naturally in our bodies that are often added to foods or taken as supplements for a wide range of health benefits. In foods, youll often find them in yogurt because some probiotics (such as L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus) are used in the yogurt-making process.

An interesting tid-bit is this: In the human body, there are 100 trillion cells -

5 trillion of which are human! Yes, a healthy body has trillions of probiotics, mostly lining our gut, that are essential to good health.

What do they do?

Probiotics help the body counterbalance the negative effects of unhealthy bacteria and replenish its supply of good bacteria (which can be depleted when you take antibiotics). Because they inhibit harmful bacteria, probiotics have been credited with numerous benefits, from easing digestion to improving your complexion to treating yeast infections. Research is even being done on certain probiotics for their potential to treat colon and other cancers.

How do we replenish them?

One way is to regularly eat fermented foods.

Fermented foods provide good bacteria to our guts. Plus, it may be easier for our bodies to absorb nutrients from fermented foods. Aim for one to two servings of these foods every day. Without regular intake, pro­biotics do not survive in the colon for more than one or two weeks.

Here are some choices:
Kombucha tea

Another highly recommended way is to take them in capsule form. That's what I do! We regularly carry an excellent product called "UltraFlora Balance" made by Metagenics.

During cold and flu season, we also have "UltraFlora Immune Booster" available, which has been clinically tested and formulated to support respiratory health.

Come on by, get adjusted, and pick up a bottle or two of some good bugs.

You can also learn more or even order your own Metagenics probiotics or other products by using my practitioner code: AndersonChiro at www.metagenics.com

If you get to shopping these, don't assume all probiotics supplements are created equal. It is best to get them refrigerated, and with a blend of highly viable, pure strains of friendly bacteria that have been clinically shown to support gut, nasal, sinus and respiratory health.

To your great health! Feel free to forward this to your loved ones.


Gregg C. Anderson, D.C.



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