
Scoliosis and Chiropractic Care

Scoliosis is the condition when the spine curves to the left or right by creating either an S- or C-shaped curve. It affects approximately 3% of the U.S. population, which is about 7 million people.


There are different treatment options available, depending on the severity of scoliosis, and one of them is chiropractic care. It is a valuable alternative to traditional treatment.  Chiropractic care can help in scoliosis treatment as well as in scoliosis pain management. The numerous studies showed that those patients with scoliosis who received chiropractic therapy over 6 months have reported significant improvements in the level of disability, levels of pain, and the angle of their spine's curves. 

What Causes Scoliosis? 

In most cases, it is impossible to find out what causes scoliosis. However, in general, doctors identify the following causes of this condition: 

  • Cerebral palsy.  It is a group of nervous system disorders affecting the abilities to learn, move, see, think, and hear.
  • Muscular dystrophy.  A group of genetic disorders characterized by muscle weakness. 
  • Birth defects affecting the infant's musculoskeletal system.  In most cases, these defects occur prior to birth and cannot be prevented. 
  • Spinal infections and injuries. 

People with a family history of scoliosis are more likely to develop this condition. Statistically, girls are more likely to have a severe form of scoliosis than boys. 

Symptoms of Scoliosis

The symptoms of scoliosis depend on how severe the condition is. The most common signs of scoliosis include the following: 

  • One shoulder blade is located higher than the other.
  • Uneven hips.
  • Rotating spine.
  • Problems with breathing because the lungs do not have enough space to expand.
  • Chronic back pain.
  • One shoulder blade sticking out more than the other.

How is Scoliosis Diagnosed? 

The first step is a physical exam. In some cases, it will be enough for a doctor to see whether you have scoliosis or not. There is also several additional imaging tests, including X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, and bone scan. 

How Chiropractic Can Help? 

Chiropractic is a great way to manage and relieve the discomfort and pain caused by scoliosis. A chiropractor uses non-invasive, safe, and non-addictive methods, which is an effective alternative to medications that are often prescribed to patients with scoliosis. 

Chiropractic adjustments help to reduce joint misalignments and restrictions in the spine, reduce inflammation, and improve the functions of the nervous and joint systems. By improving the overall health of the spine and increasing joint mobility, the body can manage scoliosis symptoms better. 

Our Chiropractor in Cumming is Ready To Help You

If you are suffering from back pain or any other scoliosis symptoms, it is probably the time to see a professional for scoliosis pain management. Dr. Eli Goldsmith, a chiropractor in Cumming GA, has over 20 years of experience and has helped hundreds of people just like you. Contact Gold Wellness Center today to schedule your appointment and start your journey to a healthy life. 


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