1390 Brickell Ave, Suite 310

Miami, Fl 33131

1 (800) 464-2727


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Auto Accident FAQs

Our Miami, FL, Chiropractor Answers Your Auto Accident FAQs

No one expects to get into an accident, but car crashes happen every day in our community, and even minor incidents can lead to pain and injury. Unfortunately, without early and effective treatment, an acute injury may lead to long-lasting frustration. At Brickell Chiropractic and Wellness in Miami, FL, our chiropractic staff offers individualized and comprehensive auto accident injury treatment plans to help people resolve their symptoms and avoid recurring problems. We're happy to help you learn more about auto accident injury and how we can help.


What Are Common Types of Auto Accident Injury?

Auto accident patients often complain about stiff, sore, and painful necks and lower backs. This could be due to a muscle strain or spinal ligament sprain, whiplash, disc herniation or bulge, or a vertebral or rib joint misalignment. Physical trauma can cause a person's nervous system to become hypersensitive, much like an alarm system that starts to "overreact." This can lead to lots of pain or even pain from things that normally aren't uncomfortable, like the feeling of clothing on your skin.

Other types of auto accident injury that can lead to pain and dysfunction in the body include:

  • Shoulder dislocation
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Brachial plexus injury (strain of the "nerve highway" in the shoulder) 
  • Hip or sacroiliac joint misalignment
  • Swelling and pain in the knee from impact against the dashboard
  • Nerve impingement

Why Do Auto Accident Injury Signs and Symptoms Not Always Show Up Right Away?

You could walk away from an auto accident feeling perfectly fine, only to wake up days, weeks, or months later with a symptom like neck pain or headaches. This happens because trauma causes stress hormones to surge. When elevated, stress hormones block pain signals. Until these hormones return to their normal levels, you could have an injury and not even know it.  

How Can a Chiropractor Help Me with My Auto Accident Injury?

See our chiropractor in Miami as soon as you can after an auto accident. We use natural techniques that work with your body's innate power to help you heal tissues, reduce spasms and inflammation, ease pain, and restore whole body wellness. From chiropractic adjustments to modalities like cold laser therapy, chiropractic care services are designed to help you heal from the inside out, and not simply "mask" your symptoms.

Were You in a Car Accident Recently?

If you're looking for an auto accident injury chiropractor near Miami, FL, contact Dr. Gustaveous Geiger of Brickell Chiropractic and Wellness at (800) 464-2727. Come in for a consultation. It's never been a better time to start your natural healing journey than now.



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