In Office Payment


I know chiropractic works, and I want to remove any obstacles that are keeping you from getting the best care, healing, feeling great, and allowing your body to function as it should. This time in history is unlike anything we have experienced, which is why I am now offering donation-based in-office visits. Don't suffer any longer!

A fee is expected for each visit. This is a valuable, truly life-changing service, so please give what your budget allows – nothing more, nothing less.

Keep in mind the following:
• The average cost of an adjustment in the Nashville area is $65
• The recommended minimum is $45

That being said, truly pay what you can. No judgement.

To allow me to continue practicing this way, I ask that you do three things:

1. Come weekly until you are 100%. Your body can heal, so give it that chance; then, when you are better, come once a month for maintenance.
2. Share my contact information with ten friends, family members, or colleagues that you believe could benefit from my services.
3. Pay it forward. Once you feel great, help those in your life as you can.

Payment accepted:

• Cash (in the office payment box)
• Check (in the office payment box)
• Venmo

30 minute In-office visit ($155)
These sessions will combine soft tissue, cupping, movement, breathing, and adjustment, depending on your needs that day.

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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Office

Monday - Sunday:

Call or Text to Book