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What Exactly Is a Chiropractic Alignment?

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What Exactly Is a Chiropractic Alignment?

When you visit a car accident chiropractor at Integrated Health & Injury Center, serving Atlanta, GA, and the neighboring areas, for the first time, the practitioner will have you undergo an extensive evaluation to figure out the root cause of your pain and other symptoms. Based on the results, your chiropractor will determine a course of action, which may include chiropractic alignments. But, what exactly is an alignment?  


General Information
A specialist at our chiropractic walk-in practice may advise you to undergo  a chiropractic alignment, also known as a chiropractic adjustment, for back or neck problems. During this treatment, our chiropractor will ask you to lie on a table facing downward. Our practitioner will then move the vertebrae in your back through manual manipulation.

Through this process, our chiropractor will realign the vertebrae in your back. In return, the vertebrae won’t irritate the surrounding nerves and soft tissues.


Benefits of Chiropractic Alignments
You’ll have less pain and discomfort when the vertebrae aren’t placing pressure on any portion of your back. Additionally, an adjustment will promote circulation throughout the spinal area. This will then ensure your spine and the surrounding region receive adequate nutrients, which can help with the healing process.

Chiropractic adjustments can assist in relieving headache pain. By moving the vertebrae, you can ease pressure on the muscles and other tissue, as well as the nerves, around your shoulder area. This may reduce headache pain. When you optimize circulation, you reduce nutrient deficiencies to combat headache and migraine pain.

A correlation between improved sleep and chiropractic adjustments has been noted. First and foremost, the alignment enhances circulation, so your body receives all the nutrients it needs. When you reduce the prevalence of nutrient deficiencies, you can possibly sleep better. In addition, you’ll have less pain to interrupt your sleep. Therefore, you’ll be able to get to sleep and stay asleep easier with no pain.

Your chiropractor may recommend you undergo adjustments as part of preventive chiropractic care. Ultimately, routine chiropractic alignments can help you prevent injuries.


Conditions Treated
While chiropractic adjustments can be part of preventive care, a chiropractor could recommend alignments to manage or correct certain acute and chronic issues.

For instance, a car accident chiropractor may recommend adjustments if you have sciatica — a word that describes pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the lower back due to damage or compression in the sciatic nerve.

Our practitioner may advise you to undergo chiropractic alignments if you have degenerative disc disease, which occurs when you have natural wear to your spine from age. With this problem, you may have pain. Sometimes, the pain will worsen when you move certain ways.

You might also receive spinal alignments if you have a herniated disc. This issue occurs when a disc — a rubbery cushion in between your vertebrae — has a tear in its shell. The disc’s content may then seep out the opening and place pressure on the nearby nerves and tissue. An alignment can ease pressure on the disc to allow it to heal.

A bulging disc is another condition your chiropractor may treat with an adjustment. If you have a bulging disc, the outside shell weakens. The contents can then push on the lining, causing the disc to bulge.

If you have back or neck pain, our chiropractor can help, possibly with chiropractic adjustments. Our practitioner will determine the cause of your discomfort and decide an appropriate course of action for you, which could consist of a chiropractic alignment, especially if you have any of the aforementioned issues.

Book an appointment with Integrated Health & Injury Center in Atlanta, GA, to see how chiropractic alignments can aid in reducing your pain and discomfort by calling 404-288-9000 or using our online form. We’re a chiropractic walk-in practice, so feel free to just stop by our office!

What Exactly Is a Chiropractic Alignment?

When you visit a car accident chiropractor at Integrated Health & Injury Center, serving Atlanta, GA, and the neighboring areas, for the first time, the practitioner will have you undergo an extensive evaluation to figure out the root cause of your pain and other symptoms. Based on the results, your chiropractor will determine a course of action, which may include chiropractic alignments. But, what exactly is an alignment?  


General Information
A specialist at our chiropractic walk-in practice may advise you to undergo  a chiropractic alignment, also known as a chiropractic adjustment, for back or neck problems. During this treatment, our chiropractor will ask you to lie on a table facing downward. Our practitioner will then move the vertebrae in your back through manual manipulation.

Through this process, our chiropractor will realign the vertebrae in your back. In return, the vertebrae won’t irritate the surrounding nerves and soft tissues.


Benefits of Chiropractic Alignments
You’ll have less pain and discomfort when the vertebrae aren’t placing pressure on any portion of your back. Additionally, an adjustment will promote circulation throughout the spinal area. This will then ensure your spine and the surrounding region receive adequate nutrients, which can help with the healing process.

Chiropractic adjustments can assist in relieving headache pain. By moving the vertebrae, you can ease pressure on the muscles and other tissue, as well as the nerves, around your shoulder area. This may reduce headache pain. When you optimize circulation, you reduce nutrient deficiencies to combat headache and migraine pain.

A correlation between improved sleep and chiropractic adjustments has been noted. First and foremost, the alignment enhances circulation, so your body receives all the nutrients it needs. When you reduce the prevalence of nutrient deficiencies, you can possibly sleep better. In addition, you’ll have less pain to interrupt your sleep. Therefore, you’ll be able to get to sleep and stay asleep easier with no pain.

Your chiropractor may recommend you undergo adjustments as part of preventive chiropractic care. Ultimately, routine chiropractic alignments can help you prevent injuries.


Conditions Treated
While chiropractic adjustments can be part of preventive care, a chiropractor could recommend alignments to manage or correct certain acute and chronic issues.

For instance, a car accident chiropractor may recommend adjustments if you have sciatica — a word that describes pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the lower back due to damage or compression in the sciatic nerve.

Our practitioner may advise you to undergo chiropractic alignments if you have degenerative disc disease, which occurs when you have natural wear to your spine from age. With this problem, you may have pain. Sometimes, the pain will worsen when you move certain ways.

You might also receive spinal alignments if you have a herniated disc. This issue occurs when a disc — a rubbery cushion in between your vertebrae — has a tear in its shell. The disc’s content may then seep out the opening and place pressure on the nearby nerves and tissue. An alignment can ease pressure on the disc to allow it to heal.

A bulging disc is another condition your chiropractor may treat with an adjustment. If you have a bulging disc, the outside shell weakens. The contents can then push on the lining, causing the disc to bulge.

If you have back or neck pain, our chiropractor can help, possibly with chiropractic adjustments. Our practitioner will determine the cause of your discomfort and decide an appropriate course of action for you, which could consist of a chiropractic alignment, especially if you have any of the aforementioned issues.

Book an appointment with Integrated Health & Injury Center in Atlanta, GA, to see how chiropractic alignments can aid in reducing your pain and discomfort by calling 404-288-9000 or using our online form. We’re a chiropractic walk-in practice, so feel free to just stop by our office!

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