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How to Get What You Deserve From A Car Accident Settlement

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How to Get What You Deserve From A Car Accident Settlement

Car Accident Cases Can Be Complex
Although it might seem like the process should be pretty simple, when it comes to auto accidents and all of the legal issues therein, you need to make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row when making your claim. So here are the things you need to do in order to protect what you are entitled to in your settlement.

It’s important to point out that this is not legal advice, for that, it’s important to find a good attorney who can help with your car accident claim. But on the medical side, let’s talk about what you should be aware of to ensure that you don’t miss out on your opportunities.

Get a Full Medical Exam — As Soon As Possible
Time is critical. Remember that the at fault party’s insurance company has a goal: to pay as little as possible. This is the nature of the beast and, as such, it’s necessary to watch what you’re doing based on this.

The longer you wait between getting into an accident and going to get checked out, the more difficult your case will be. If you wait, it becomes easier for an insurance company to cast doubt on your situation. Furthermore, you might not get everything documented as it should be as you experience issues.

It’s important to note, however, that this isn’t just about having paperwork. Pain and suffering are more than just legal terms — they’re real. The pain you experience as it relates to the accident is going to affect your life. The sooner you get started with treatment, the better your outcomes will be, both in the short term as well as with the rest of your life.

Make Sure Your Chiropractor Delivers Documents on Time
At Integrated Health and Injury, we have a 72-hour policy for all legal documentation to be turned over to your attorney in an orderly manner. This is such an important piece, as car accident cases can be an arduous and meticulous process that needs to be managed by a competent lawyer. But even the best lawyers still need your documentation.

This is why it’s important to choose a medical provider which does have a policy and procedure in place for communicating as effectively as possible with your legal counsel. Make sure there isn’t a delay, as this can cripple your efforts.

Find An Experienced Lawyer
We’ve hinted at this before, but we feel the need to explicitly state it. Make sure to find a good attorney. We are more than happy to help you find the right fit, and our referral practices are staffed with highly trained attorneys that we’ve worked with in the past.

You don’t need to find an attorney before you come in to have your evaluation done. Call us today to have your medical issues documented, and then you can spend more time selecting your attorney.

Regardless, if you’ve been in an accident, do not delay! Give us a call ASAP so we can help you get better quicker, and to ensure that you get everything out of your settlement to which you are entitled.

How to Get What You Deserve From A Car Accident Settlement

Car Accident Cases Can Be Complex
Although it might seem like the process should be pretty simple, when it comes to auto accidents and all of the legal issues therein, you need to make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row when making your claim. So here are the things you need to do in order to protect what you are entitled to in your settlement.

It’s important to point out that this is not legal advice, for that, it’s important to find a good attorney who can help with your car accident claim. But on the medical side, let’s talk about what you should be aware of to ensure that you don’t miss out on your opportunities.

Get a Full Medical Exam — As Soon As Possible
Time is critical. Remember that the at fault party’s insurance company has a goal: to pay as little as possible. This is the nature of the beast and, as such, it’s necessary to watch what you’re doing based on this.

The longer you wait between getting into an accident and going to get checked out, the more difficult your case will be. If you wait, it becomes easier for an insurance company to cast doubt on your situation. Furthermore, you might not get everything documented as it should be as you experience issues.

It’s important to note, however, that this isn’t just about having paperwork. Pain and suffering are more than just legal terms — they’re real. The pain you experience as it relates to the accident is going to affect your life. The sooner you get started with treatment, the better your outcomes will be, both in the short term as well as with the rest of your life.

Make Sure Your Chiropractor Delivers Documents on Time
At Integrated Health and Injury, we have a 72-hour policy for all legal documentation to be turned over to your attorney in an orderly manner. This is such an important piece, as car accident cases can be an arduous and meticulous process that needs to be managed by a competent lawyer. But even the best lawyers still need your documentation.

This is why it’s important to choose a medical provider which does have a policy and procedure in place for communicating as effectively as possible with your legal counsel. Make sure there isn’t a delay, as this can cripple your efforts.

Find An Experienced Lawyer
We’ve hinted at this before, but we feel the need to explicitly state it. Make sure to find a good attorney. We are more than happy to help you find the right fit, and our referral practices are staffed with highly trained attorneys that we’ve worked with in the past.

You don’t need to find an attorney before you come in to have your evaluation done. Call us today to have your medical issues documented, and then you can spend more time selecting your attorney.

Regardless, if you’ve been in an accident, do not delay! Give us a call ASAP so we can help you get better quicker, and to ensure that you get everything out of your settlement to which you are entitled.

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