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What Are The Benefits of Proper Hydration?

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What Are The Benefits of Proper Hydration?

Get More Out of Life With Better Habits
Ultimately, staying hydrated is important. We all know this on an intellectual level, but in practice, sometimes choosing water over other beverages can be a struggle. A lot of us know that we should be drinking the adequate amount of water, but in reality, many adults have no clue why they’re told to drink more water.

So let’s take a quick dive into hydration, what it means, and how it affects your body.

Why It’s Important to Drink Enough Water
When it comes to your body, every system you use relies on water. Your body is composed of 60% water. Some organ systems have more, like the lungs which are 83% water, and some, like bones, are down at 31%. So even your “driest” system still contains a lot of water.

Cells use it, your blood is mainly water, and if you are lacking for hydration, your body can shut down pretty quickly.

There are definitely varying degrees of dehydration, from mild dehydration causing headaches and lack of focus, to extreme hydration which can lead to heat stroke, passing out, and even death.

Humans can go a long time without food. We cannot go for more than a few days without water. This is the overview, but most people aren’t in the “extreme” column. So what’s the deal with just “drinking anything until you’re not thirsty anymore?”

Water Intake Determines a Lot
Remember that every liquid you consume will go through your stomach, and will be processed by your kidneys. As such, anything else that’s in your system forces your body to work harder. And, there’s less water as a result.

But even plain coffee or tea can affect your hydration levels, either in being a diuretic, meaning you will need to go to the bathroom more often and end up losing more fluid, and sugars from sodas and coffee drinks are just bad news altogether.

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t enjoy beverages other than water. What this means is that you should ensure that you have met your daily fluid intake goal, and do so with plain water, as opposed to anything else.

How Many Glasses of Water Should You Drink?
Ultimately, there’s the popular “8 8-ounce glasses of water per day” figure. This is an ok target, but in reality, it’s based on so much more.

Are you exercising? Is it excessively hot outside? How much are you sweating? How do you feel? Are you focused or distracted? Have you been sick?

These are questions that can help you answer this question. Overall, it’s recommended that men get 15.5 glasses of water per day, and for women to get 11.5 cups of water per day. Also, don’t forget to get more activity in your day to prevent any future health issues.

In truth, you are getting a lot of water from the food that you eat. The being said, just be mindful of your body and what’s going on. For those trying to lose weight, drinking more water can help you cull hunger cravings and actually feel better.

Water is one of the most important resources your body has. Just make sure that you’re drinking enough, and you will see a noticeable increase in your mood as well as the functioning of your body.

What Are The Benefits of Proper Hydration?

Get More Out of Life With Better Habits
Ultimately, staying hydrated is important. We all know this on an intellectual level, but in practice, sometimes choosing water over other beverages can be a struggle. A lot of us know that we should be drinking the adequate amount of water, but in reality, many adults have no clue why they’re told to drink more water.

So let’s take a quick dive into hydration, what it means, and how it affects your body.

Why It’s Important to Drink Enough Water
When it comes to your body, every system you use relies on water. Your body is composed of 60% water. Some organ systems have more, like the lungs which are 83% water, and some, like bones, are down at 31%. So even your “driest” system still contains a lot of water.

Cells use it, your blood is mainly water, and if you are lacking for hydration, your body can shut down pretty quickly.

There are definitely varying degrees of dehydration, from mild dehydration causing headaches and lack of focus, to extreme hydration which can lead to heat stroke, passing out, and even death.

Humans can go a long time without food. We cannot go for more than a few days without water. This is the overview, but most people aren’t in the “extreme” column. So what’s the deal with just “drinking anything until you’re not thirsty anymore?”

Water Intake Determines a Lot
Remember that every liquid you consume will go through your stomach, and will be processed by your kidneys. As such, anything else that’s in your system forces your body to work harder. And, there’s less water as a result.

But even plain coffee or tea can affect your hydration levels, either in being a diuretic, meaning you will need to go to the bathroom more often and end up losing more fluid, and sugars from sodas and coffee drinks are just bad news altogether.

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t enjoy beverages other than water. What this means is that you should ensure that you have met your daily fluid intake goal, and do so with plain water, as opposed to anything else.

How Many Glasses of Water Should You Drink?
Ultimately, there’s the popular “8 8-ounce glasses of water per day” figure. This is an ok target, but in reality, it’s based on so much more.

Are you exercising? Is it excessively hot outside? How much are you sweating? How do you feel? Are you focused or distracted? Have you been sick?

These are questions that can help you answer this question. Overall, it’s recommended that men get 15.5 glasses of water per day, and for women to get 11.5 cups of water per day. Also, don’t forget to get more activity in your day to prevent any future health issues.

In truth, you are getting a lot of water from the food that you eat. The being said, just be mindful of your body and what’s going on. For those trying to lose weight, drinking more water can help you cull hunger cravings and actually feel better.

Water is one of the most important resources your body has. Just make sure that you’re drinking enough, and you will see a noticeable increase in your mood as well as the functioning of your body.

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